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Charmed 1x22.mp4

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Eddie Green

I wish I could do a broken heart graphic for this one. Calling all viewers, walk me through this world, don't leave me alone...

Amanda P

I can't believe youre already at the finale, feels like you just started the show. I love how much you love this show already, just gets better! I'm excited for season 2! Your shock at both Phoebe and Piper dying really make it even sadder 😭 this is probably one of my fave finales, just wraps up a fantastic first season well. As far as I know the actor wanted to leave the show 😔 so I'm glad they had the balls to kill him off rather than recasting, hope you don't mind that I said that, don't think it's a spoiler. And such a tragic love story for Prue and Andy, the way it kept changing from "I still care about you" to "I still love you" to "I love you" 😭 anyways so excited for next week!!

Tammy L. Faulkner

They killed off Andy because he was such a difficult character to write into the episodes. It just made since to move on.

Raheem Dudley

it would be a huge risk to reset the time loop a 3rd time seeing as more sisters died each time. Rodrigues would have surely went for Prue first and if shed gotten killed first they all would have all been screwed.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Piper would have had to be first since she can freeze... but yes, it would have been a bad idea to try for a 3rd time.

Chess Red Eagle

I don't think it's ever 100% been confirmed. He could have also asked for a larger role in the show and they wouldn't do it. He could have also just left to do other project. There's also the theory that he and Shannon hated each other. We may never know for sure.