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Charmed 1x09.mp4

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Amanda P

Another one of my faves of the season. Your charmed reactions are always a highlight in my week! And I love how much you adore piper 🥰 can't wait for more!

Ed Green

I think the implication is that we don't see all the 'greats' in the spell. She's 300 years older than the sisters, that would probably mean 12 generations or 10 greats.

Charlene van As (Ninjari24)

I can see piper is your favorite character so far. But what is your favorite power so far - which power would you want if you could have one?


If this is out of the three, I am not sure. I always change between Time Freeze and Premonition. Both imo are equally amazing

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Piper consistently stays my fav sister throughout all 8 seasons. Can't wait to see if that's the same for you too.

Kara Michelle

Piper is my favorite at this point. But she doesn't always stay my favorite.

Kara Michelle

Also the realizations I've had this week about Leigh Ellen Baker being in things I never realized she was in. Never put together that she was in both this and Will and Grace.

Charlene van As (Ninjari24)

Interesting. Maybe as the seasons progress, you will nail down which of the two you prefer. For me personally, I'd love the ability to move things with my mind.