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Angel 5x22.mp4

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Free Your Geek

I believe I mentioned this before, but Wesley is my favorite character in the Buffyverse. From his introduction on Buffy to the finale of Angel, I feel like his character arc was incredible! From a snooty watcher, to a buffoon, to leading the team and ultimately betraying them. He became a badass loner dealing with the darkness of his choices and eventually made his way back to the team. He finally got the girl of his dreams and just as quickly lost her, becoming unhinged and a little crazy. I just think his journey from start to finish has been amazing! On a personal note, I just want to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed your Buffyverse reactions! It’s been an absolute pleasure. Thank you for all of the effort and work you’ve put into these reactions! P.S. I’ll be sticking around for your B99 reactions.

Gabe Morales

People have their opinions on the finale and those who loved it and those who didn’t have good points. I loved it but there are parts that break my heart, mainly concerning Lorne. It started with his “perfect last day”. The song he sang “If I Ruled The World” was very sad if you think how he never wanted to be the one fighting the good fight, he wanted to just serve drinks at Caritas and sing. If he ruled the world, that’s what he’d be doing and all his friends would be safe and happy. When he killed Lindsey, it really broke what was left of his spirit and I wish he would have gotten a happy ending. It started with Fred’s death and went downhill from there. I think every one else had a fitting end. I would not have changed anything else.

Free Your Geek

Agree 100%! Lorne carrying out Angel’s request to kill Lindsey was the last straw. Lorne was absolutely dejected and had nothing left.

Free Your Geek

One more thing and I’ll keep it vague because I haven’t read all the comics and am not sure if it’s a spoiler. If the show had been renewed for season 6, this finale would’ve been a bit different. Apparently, they had a big arc for Amy Acker.

Chess Red Eagle

Would you like me to lie to you now always gets me. This finale always gets me. It's fantastic. Seems like just the other day I stumbled on you starting your reactions to Buffy. Sad to see it end but on to the next chapter with charmed!


They had an even bigger Arc for another character that we find out at the end of the first issue of After the Fall. I don't want to spoil which character and what happens to them, but it would have been another incredible story line that thing fully at least got to be a major part of the comic.


I'm glad to see that you understood why Angel ended the way it did and you have accepted it a lot better than a lot of viewers did twenty years ago. The loss of Wesley was just as hard as when we lost Fred given that they were my two favorite characters next to Lorne, but nothing is as heartbreaking in real life only as the death of Andy Hallett just a few short years later of a tooth infection that weakened his heart and eventually led to his death at a very young age. But it's been a great journey watching Angel with you Liam and I hope you enjoy the comics that continue the story and are officially cannon.

Elle Blank

What a journey to complete! I know I'm the rare exception, but Wes was not my favorite character in any sense. Though I did really like the last bit with him and Illyria. I, personally, found Lorne's end to be the saddest. I have struggled with it over the years - but I think it was a bold choice, and I do appreciate it. Andy Hallet's last line just kicks you in the gut. I loved the last day portion for everyone. Gunn fighting until the very end as the only human gets me to - he was always fighting for others with this last breath. The poetry slam for Spike as well just was a wonderful bow for his journey.


I would like to point out something about Wesley in this episode that mirrors Angel from the season 1 finale, To Shanshu in LA. In that episode Cordelia and Wesley are lamenting over the fact that Angel doesn't feel attached to the world because there's nothing that he wants. Which of course leads to him finding out about the Shanshu prophecy and that he would become human which gives him purpose. Wesley in this finale states that there's nothing that he wants. Therefore he's lost his need to connect to the world. The only thing he wants is gone and so he's basically entering into that fight with Vale with a deathwish. Nobody seems to think about that parallel and I always do when I watch this finale. Just wanted to point it out.


I think Im in the minority but I liked this finale better than Chosen. I think it's just a fantastic episode and really showcase our main characters well (while I think the Potentials took up to much time.) Wesley's death was felt by most of the group meanwhile we never saw Giles find out about Anya (other than Xander he'd care the most.) Buffy's last line was "Spike", meanwhile "Let's go to work" is a final line fitting to who Angel is and the theme of the show, not who he was dating. I also like Angel the series better than Buffy as a whole. Anyway... They did so much with Connor in just 2 episodes I didn't see coming and I love Angel had that from him. It just goes to show VK could have done a lot more in s4 if only they gave him good writing (well, Home had some great acting/writing and he's also great on Mad Men--- Have you seen that, Liam?) A lot of hate was directed at him personally during s4 online so I love he got these moments and went on to be in a huge series. Another unpopular opinion, I dont think Lorne was really pushed into it. "I've heard you sing " makes me think Angel made the call based off of Lorne's readings so he carried it out with information on another level, and was the source of Angel's decision. That said after Fred, he was sick of everything and this was just the final straw, he wasn't one to be in the mix like this. Lindsey ranting about how Angel is supposed to kill him confirms to me he sees himself as a villain and it was the right decision. Illyria saying to Gunn "you are not unpleasant to my eyes" was a nice shout out to Fred/Gunn, since she must remember them dating. Some fun trivia: Angel and Harmony are the 2 characters to have a run of being in the first episode of the Buffyverse and the last episode of the Buffyverse. Lindsey and Angel are the only ones in the pilot and finale of Angel. It's been fun going on the journey with you Liam! Congrats on finishing it.


Welp at least we got a nice seen with father and son. I am just going to pretend the whole Jasmine thing never happened


I've enjoyed watching your entire Buffyverse journey! Thank you so much.


Thank you for sharing your Buffyverse journey with us!


Thank you for months of meaningful and irreplaceable Buffyverse reactions, Liam!

Thom Purdy

Great reactions! Thank you! Now that you're done, I would recommend Passion of the Nerd Buffy Guides and Angel Guides I think you'd enjoy them.