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Supernatural 2x02.mp4

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Linda Moore

Fabulous reaction! I clicked so fast! 😁 This one worked great for me, btw no problems. There are a lot of heartbreaking moments in this episode, but that last scene between Sam and Dean is one of the best. And Dean losing it on the Impala is just, rip-my-guts-out sad! 😭 I laughed when you said, "These boys are just...they're not gonna be good for me in the long run." 😂😂 Welcome to the Supernatural Fandom where you will have your heart ripped out on a regular basis and still be excited to see more. Lol! You're right when you say it's completely on brand for Dean to bottle everything up and push everything away. And you're absolutely right when you say, he can't just keep doing that. At the same time though, I can understand why he does, the shit he's been through, I think he's really afraid if he lets down a single wall, the whole house is gonna crumble. And as usual this episode has left me wanting to give both boys a big hug. Loving your reactions so much! Any idea when you'll start adding the 2nd SPN episode every week? Also how are things progressing for you with the Gag Reel? Don't you just love technology? 😁 Looking forward to the next one, it's fantastic!