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Angel 5x13.mp4

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So this was a pretty controversial episode in the sense that while it wasn't a bad episode, it just felt out of place in the middle of this incredible season and would have felt more in line during the first 3 seasons of Angel. I can also say that it is the last "weak" episode of the whole rest of the season, even though it wasn't a bad Episode by any means and had some pretty good moments with Spike and the other vampires. As for what's to come, well, you'll see...

Tony Tenser

Very underrated episode in my opinion.


Remember Angel almost quit W&H in the previous episode . This episode had to be in the place it was because it shows Angel's road not taken, what he could have been without his mission. It drags a bit after such a huge 100th episode, but its placement has meaning.


I do know that the writer of this episode, Drew Goddard, said that the main reason for the story was to answer the question of what would happen if Angel turned somebody into a vampire after he got his soul, but I think this particular type of story could have been told in any season of Angel. As far as having an episode reminding him of his mission, I just think there could have been a better use of the season to tell that kind of story that involved all of his team and Wolfram and Hart instead of showing us a flashback to do so. I just think that this episode is a huge major skid mark in an incredible season that was otherwise accelerating with its foot on the gas, and this was just a huge halt in the action.


Not sure why they would want to tell that story on Angel when we had seen a bunch of vampires sired by souled!Spike under the First's trigger a year earlier...maybe they don't count because it wasn't done intentionally?