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Supernatural 1x11.mp4

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Glorie Bluestein

The fan base always does this whole sam vs dean thing and I never understood it. They both bring their own skills to the table.

Ed Green

I think a lot of the fanbase identifies with one brother or the other. For me it's Dean because I'm also historically the dutiful older sibling of two. But that doesn't mean I think he's better than Sam or right more often than Sam. They both have their reasons.

Nicole Iannone

One thing I never really liked about the argument at the start of this episode between Sam and Dean is when Sam says that they should just ignore this case to go after their father. If this was just some normal ghost or something like that I could see waiting a week (and even that wouldn't be great because you would still be risking innocent lives), but Dean/John pointed out that these disappearances only happen once a year so the window to actually deal with it is a lot tighter. As for the whole Sam v Dean thing, I think its just a general fandom thing. I've seen it happen in other shows/movies between two main/popular characters (Spike vs Angel, Damon vs Stefan, Cap vs Iron Man, Edward vs Jacob, etc). I tend to identify/side with Dean most of the time because I'm the oldest sibling in my family, while my younger brother tended to identify with Sam more. But as edelweiss above me pointed out, it doesn't mean that I think Dean is 100% right at all times and Sam is always 100% wrong either.