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Angel 5x11.mp4

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Melissa Amato

Thank you so much Liam, I never saw this episode from your perspectives before. Bravo for sussing out things from Dana's distorted puzzle of a traumatized little girl, as well as Dana coming into her calling, that ci ⁰0.mmjj, sorry like a Viral booting pññ, MatriX for hb⁰


Andrew, my beloved 🥰 It was great to see him and Spike together again! I also love how everyone kinda squints and is all ??? for a second because of the hair lmao I also think that this episode does a good job at highlighting the lack of communication between the Scoobies and AI. With the occasional exception like Oz bringing Angel the ring, or Willow coming to tell them that Buffy died, they really only talk to one another when they need help. Obviously there's nothing wrong with that, it's not like they have to be besties and call each other every night. But it does make it clear that for the most part they don't talk, or keep the other group up to date on what's currently happening. So it only makes sense that now there's all of this distrust with Angel running Wolfram and Hart. It's rough, but I really do like that they went in that direction at the end!

Melissa Amato

See, just a jumble. Dana is a Huntress, made psychotic break down, which allowed her to use whatever was useful to her. Like a bone saw...😱

Melissa Amato

Poor Spike, a new Terminator Andrew's Revenge, or is it, Return of the Andrew?Giles's.? Is there a Doctor in the house? 🤔?🧐?😱!! Rouge one Slayer's¿!


It is a real rarity, but every now and then a new character is added to a TV show that's been running for a long time, and against all odds everything just works. I don't mean a supporting character who is likeable in the small moments they are part of, I mean a new character who gets near co-lead amounts of focus off the bat and still they fit right in with the established characters, they are thematically relevant, and they add a breath of fresh air to shows that've been around for years. That's what Spike is to Angel season 5. Thank goodness for executive meddling insisting that Spike be brought over even though his story was already neatly resolved on Buffy. Him having equal claim to "Angel's" champion destiny is an excellent addition, him having a very different outlook on his past atrocities to Angel's is an excellent addition, their constant rivalry and sexual tension is an excellent addition too XD.

Free Your Geek

The line “Sorry love, I don’t speak Chinese!” when Spike first encounters Dana is a great callback to what he said when he killed his first Slayer in the Boxer Revellion. I may have mentioned this previously, but I love the dichotomy between the human and demon versions of Angel and Spike. That last conversation between them in this episode is so telling. William had a poets heart, a very artistic soul in life. Spike was all about the chaos and party atmosphere when killing. Liam was all about that lush and drunkard party lifestyle. Angelus viewed his victims as pieces of art. Really enjoy the juxtaposition.


Spike gets a nice little epilogue to his story this season too. There are still fans who are super pissed at Spike for being not at all sympathetic to Robin in Lies My Parents Told Me, but now he actually is forced to face the damage he did as a vampire. Before he was taking an attitude of not dwelling on it because he can't change the past, but now we actually see him admit that he probably should have been. It's a great extension of the journey he started on Buffy.

Ed Green

You could say that as vampires they were both getting to do what they repressed as humans - Spike to enjoy life and Angel to contemplate it.

Kara Michelle

This episode and the last are where I draw most of my opinions on Angel/Angelus from. People often don't like thr argument to be made about spike but there's no denying that Harmony has No chip and no soul and is still TRYING her best to be good despite being an aweful person. People can claim they are different characters all they want but even HERE angel says "I couldn't look away". And he never looks into making the soul permanent like spike. Long story short Angel likes misery either his own or others.

Thom Purdy

One of my three favorites of the season, and top 10 of the series.