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Wasn't going to make this but things happen I guess xD Pushing some things a day later than planned for this week because I had a good bout with food poisoning, which was fun. I am all good for being in the clear for COVID but the plan was to film a couple of things tonight but someone really forked up with the takeout I ordered yesterday -__-

Though I am doing a lot better now after some rest and a LOT of Blackcurrant. Food doesn't put me off and every other thing that comes with it has died down, just informing you since I did say this week was going to be low-key so hopefully we can get some Supernatural done Friday and Xena and OUAT for Sunday with Arcane Saturday, pending I am not being played like a damn fiddle with this calm down of symptoms. Hope everyone is doing good this week!


Melissa Amato

Ginger ale is really helpful with crushed ice, Liam. For food poisoning. Ice Water. 🥤🥤🥤Gotta keep your energy up, Dude. 🥴🤕 & sussed it out, It's gotta be an imposter! 😈that Delivered your food. Man people social distance, & wear at all times a mask, play it safe, not Stupid. 🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🥱😴 Oh❌


Thank you for always keeping us updated. The most important thing is for you to take care of yourself.