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Supernatural 1x06.mp4

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Reed James

Great episode with some longer term consequences.

Sharon Owen

That reaction to the shapeshifter changing… priceless. It is one of the grosser things on this show!

Nicole Iannone

I always feel so bad for the second guy the shapeshifter was impersonating in this episode. Sam only mentioned that they were blaming "Dean" for the murder of Zacks wife. So either the cops think that the Asian guy was a copycat who tried to kill his wife, or they also end up pinning it on "Dean", but that guy's wife lives the rest of her life thinking her (almost certainly ex)husband attacked her out of nowhere. Like at least Becky (and presumably Zack will be told) knows that Zack didn't do anything.


lol reminded me of when Willow ripped that dudes flesh off lmao