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Angel 5x06.mp4

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Nathan Grenawalt

I hear that a lot of people didn't like this episode, but I really love it. It starts out seeming silly - luchadors! Masks! Numbers! - but becomes such a somber and thoughtful tale. I think it is great to see other cultures takes on the heroic work Buffy and Angel do, and I felt a great deal of respect in this take. And the concept of a hero who no longer believes that they are a hero, who has lost hope not in the fight itself but in their own goals, is really well portrayed. And it has geven rise to some great fan-art of El Diablo Robotico.

Elle Blank

I really like it! I like that Spike questioning Wes about the Shansu leads to Angel saying "the father kills the son" to Wes. Kind of highlighted how disconnected Angel was from the far-reaching impact of his choice to work at W&H and remove Connor from everyone's memories. I think the main story is not the most complex, but overall it has a lot of the larger season themes included in it.


It's not like I or anybody else I know doesn't like this or the other week or episodes of season 5, it's just that the rest of the season is so overwhelmingly strong and awesome that this and three or four other episodes stand out for being so much weaker compared to everything else we get. I would say that we only have two weak episodes left for the rest of the season, and other than that, it's smooth sailing and a hell of a ride!