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Lucifer 6x06.mp4

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Celia Fox

I wrote a big comment here but it disappeared like before...am I jinxed.

Celia Fox

I will try to re-write the comment because when I looked at patreon this morning, my original one had vanished! I thought that Lucifer trying to do what he thought Rory needed was so so cringey but I loved it- poor Luci, trying so hard and getting it all wrong but understandable with what he is trying to comprehend with a daughter he knew nothing about accusing him of never being there for her... How lovely it was that father and daughter found a more real and truer way to bond through music- something Luci does understand and the song was probably my favourite now in the whole of the series…so poignant and beautifully done. This story developing of Luci being a father seems to me to bring his journey full circle and I am really invested in how it plays out but I had my theories as to how it could play out- maybe later- no spoilers! I liked the cop story because it showed us more about Amenadiel's struggles and I did like how it delved directly into serious present problems and ties in to how the celestials see humanity and think about how they can change humanity for the better but I think working for the LAPD is going to clarify things for Amenadiel too. I did feel for Ella this episode as it seemed she really hoped Amenadiel would confirm her theories but he didn’t and just seemed to shut her down as he doesn’t know what she is getting at with her train of thought- poor Ella, she must be confused- has she got it wrong or is Amenadiel deliberately keeping her in the dark? (He isn’t as he doesn’t know she thinks she knows if you know what I mean- now I’m confused LOL) Thanks for another great reaction. I always enjoying watching your reactions and listening to your views as you seem so invested in the characters and really feel all the emotions behind their individual stories as well as being so open to the events portrayed and the writer’s plot lines. I do think this season has a different vibe to others but I recognise it was filmed under total Covid restrictions so by nature had to be smaller cast and more intimate focused scenes without as much action and extras. I recall seeing BTS shots and actors with 2metre sticks to ensure distance keeping and only the core cast allowed to be closer and testing for Covid every day but I actually liked that this ‘new’ way of filming meant it was better to delve into more emotional and deeper stuff between the core cast (sometimes just two characters) and not be able to have big scenes, crowd scenes or big fight scenes. I like the enforced intimacy of the filming this season. Looking forward to more Lucifer with you. I am just sad there are only four episodes to go!