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Angel 4x18.mp4

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I legitimately can't figure out why they had to retcon history and make everything that happened to our characters, including things long past like Gunn's sister's death and Fred getting sucked into Pylea, part of Jasmine's master plan. It adds nothing to the storyline and just cheapens the character growth that came from those situations. If they kept the "pre-orchestrated" events to the stuff with Skip/Cordelia, it would have the exact same impact... which isn't much to begin with. I appreciate Jasmine's characterisation nonetheless. Your uncertainty about her motives just seals how refreshing it is to have a supposed "big bad" who isn't all brimstone and destruction off the bat. And Gina Torres just sells the role!

Derek Garrard

I've never had a problem with what Skip said about everyone's free will and crap. Why? We have no idea whether or not Skip is even telling the truth. Of course, one of Jasmine's followers would declare that "It was all a part of the master plan!". That's like asking one of Glory's minions who made the sky blue. Sure, Jasmine probably helped a few things along and twisted other things to fit her plans, but I seriously doubt she would be able to do all that Skip claims.


What was the point of those minutes of dialogue then if we are never meant to know if Skip was lying or not? Skip is now dead and the team has taken it as fact and moved on.


Yeah, the season was so bad, but I seriously enjoy Jasmine. But the retcon was silly. My brain-canon is that this is just what Jasmine has decided. She knows it all because she's a Power, and *maybe* she decided to use Connor to be her father as soon as the trial was over, but everything else, she just kind of... interpreted as being all about her.


I remember after shows react saying it was weird that cordy and Connor produced a black "baby"

Eddie Green (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-03 01:22:34 Cordelia isn't Jasmine's mother, she's just a surrogate. Jasmine's mother is herself.
2021-09-30 22:19:03 Cordelia isn't Jasmine's mother, she's just a surrogate. Jasmine's mother is herself.

Cordelia isn't Jasmine's mother, she's just a surrogate. Jasmine's mother is herself.


I'm amazed how many people didn't understand what was going on with this storyline and that Jasmine was truly in control of Cordelia since the 6th episode of the season when Lorne's spell woke her up. I really like Liam a lot, but I was extremely pissed that he couldn't figure it out much earlier that Cordelia wasn't actually Cordelia and it really ruined most of his reactions for me whenever her or Connor were onscreen and he would not stop complaining about it. It's one thing if the complaints happened sporadically, but they happen literally every single moment they were on screen together.