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Once Upon a Time 3x17.mp4

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Eddie Green

I find it interesting that Blackbeard appears here, because he was definitely a real person: the pirate Edward Teach (c.1780-1818). Perhaps he found the secret of travelling between realms, and faked his 1818 death in the Land Without Magic? Edit: Also, when Ariel says to Hook, 'You let a man die for your ship?!', I can't help but wonder if this is a reference to the TV Trope 'Die For Our Ship', in which fans of a romance want to kill off a rival to that romance. Such as any fans who want Emma and Hook's relationship to develop who may have thus cheered the death of Neal.

Melissa Amato

Poor Killian, really wants his Storybrooke friends to know he's there for them, he's just entirely afraid of his Villianious Hook's past persona over shadowing the good he has tried to do already for Emma, & Henry & others. But He now feels a deeper barricades of Wicked deciet before him. Will he be able, to stay now, in the Towne with Zelena's latest threat, making him her like Rumple, her chosen, & un willing weapon for Emma?leaving everyone even more only more vulnerable then before¿ & dear Hook, ever lost & helpless, like a sad puppy, un able to get closer to the amazing woman he admires & adores to date get closer to, knowing he can't, even if she wanted him to. Now stuck fearing for her son, & her family, Killian Frustrated, & concerned, tho incapable of allowing, the Wicked B***h to hurt those he has grown too protective, & fond of, Killian is definitely in a bad position, & time will tell wether he can weather the storm ahead¿ Of him.🙍🏻‍♂️¿🙍🏼‍♀️👲🏻👸🏻🤴🏼🧛🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙎🏻‍♀️🐒💚🧚✨💗🌎💗👩🏻🐶

Melissa Amato

Thank you Liam, Dr. Catt. Great Reaction!! 💚🧟‍♀️💗🌎💗👩🏻🐶💚🤘🏼Be well, see you again soon. Thank you Cattercrew!! 💗 & Loyal Oncer's Over, & OUAT!💚✨🧚✨💚🤘🏼✨

Elle Blank

This was a fun reaction! I'd forgotten how good this episode was.


"This is the worst episode of I'm a celebrity yet" had me in stiches hahaha


Fun fact: In the original Peter Pan story, Blackbeard was mentioned, as Captain Hook's mentor! So this isn't as much out of left field as it might seem at first xD

Lucile Byrd

People always comment that Hook should just tell Emma what happened the past year, but why, she isn't entitled to that info, especially when she keeps telling him that she plans to take Henry and leave Storybrooke for good after this new curse is broken. Why does he owe her anything when she keeps making it clear there is nothing between them and no chance for a future for them?