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Angel 4x17.mp4

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god i HATE this episode...the backturn on Skip's character, the grossness of the whole pregnancy, and especially the rewriting to make it seem as though cordelia was never meant to be a higher being...it was all just a plan and shes not special. Absolute BS. I like to think Skip was lying


That is what I hope. If Skip is 100% honest, character development, out the window. It calls for lazy writing because nobody could've thought this, that far ahead when Angel began, to say 4 years in "This was planned". And what does Gunn's sister have to do with this? Like I said, a concept of milestones is feasible but the characters can make their own choices


I feel bad for Vincent Kartheiser (Connor). He was brought on as a series regular with ample screentime for a character with a very interesting backstory and massive potential for growth, only to have Connor turn out uninteresting and unlikeable in so many ways. Vincent really did his best with the material he was given. Darla also had such a beautiful departure last time. Her character was complete and we all had closure. I hated that they tainted that by bringing her back for this very unsatisfying story.


This season feels like it's 50 eps long

Free Your Geek

Not making an excuse for his actions, but I always empathize with Connor. His entire life, except those first few weeks when he was a baby, he was manipulated. I think the only time when he was in a stable and loving environment was the summer he spent with Fred and Gunn while Angel was at the bottom of the ocean. But even then he was unknowingly part of Holtz and Justine’s plan. The scene with Darla and Cordy are akin to the stereotypical angel (pun intended) and devil on each shoulder.


Another thing that upset me most about this episode is that killing a human also is against Connor's values. Whether we loved or hated him, right from the beginning he was taught to hate and go against anyone that's a demon. That's why he hated Angel (who he was taught to hate) and instantly hated Lorne because he looked like a demon and was one. The second he found out Cordy was a demon, he attacked her as well. I know he had a tragic life but this was the episode to snap out of it because killing humans should've been an instant red flag. In 4x01, Gunn and Fred are upset that Wesley didn't inform them about what Connor did to Angel. His answer was that he knew Connor wouldn't hurt Gunn or Fred because they were human. I loved seeing Julie Benz back, that was the best thing about this episode.


lol and here we go. I'm excited to see your reactions going forward.

Thom Purdy

When Angel and Connor kneel, My thought was "Yep. That's what I would do if I saw Gina Torres.