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Once Upon a Time 3x14.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Tower- Thank you so much for your reaction for The Tower!!!! I really enjoy this episode a lot. Especially for the focus on both David in Storybrooke and Charming back in the Enchanted Forest during their missing year. This episode isn't known to be among a great episode for most fans of Once Upon a Time. In fact... it's probably one of the weakest episodes for most of this show's fans. However, I really, really love its overall storylines, especially for David when he must face his fears of what's to come with expecting another child. Now... my absolute favorite moment within this episode is between Emma and Hook when they're walking together through the woods looking for signs of the Wicked Witch, as Emma asks Killian what he did during their missing year, and yet he refuses to tell her. However, Killian then goes on to question Emma if she really loved the man she was about to marry until he turned out to be one of Zelena's flying monkeys. Emma answers him by coldly saying that she did love him, until she had her heart broken again when Walsh had not turned out to be who he said he was. And what I love most... is when Killian assures Emma that her heart still works, because it was able to be broken. It's sad, but such a powerful moment between them both and the look they give one another is just stunning. And he doesn't say this to hurt Emma. Killian says this to her to remind her of just how strong she really is. He sees a strength in her that she has never been able to see in herself no matter how often Henry or her parents have tried reminding her. But with Killian... it's clear from the look of awe shown on her face as she's staring up at him in this moment, that his words have left a deep impact on her. Also... it's clear that Killian has grown to love Emma, so hearing her admit that she loved someone other than even Neal, and still not him is very sad as well. And it's also quite obvious that something has happened during the missing year in Killian's life. Something that he's deeply worried in talking to or admitting to Emma about. And it pains him. You can see just how much so in his eyes. But like I said... such a beautiful moment between them. :) As much as I love where this show is heading with a relationship between Hook and Emma because I really love both of these characters both separately and especially together so much... I really appreciate that the creators and writers of this show are taking their time to really build up their relationship in a way that feels natural and genuine. And at least to me... I think the relationship and chemistry between them, both in the roles of their characters as well as between their actors too, is really special. Next... I love how Zelena focuses on David and makes him face his fears of being a father all over again, when he had been unable to be a father for Emma while she had grown up. I really love how the demons in both the present storyline and in the past storyline are actually themselves, or rather manifestations of their own fears that come from them both ingesting the night root. In the past... I really enjoy the storyline where David helps Rapunzel face her own fear in order to help free her from the tower. And how she finally faces her fear of being Queen after the loss of her brother, then becomes reunited with her parents once more. And in the present storyline... David also faces his own fears in the form of himself as well, and wins just like Rapunzel had through his words of encouragement, but this time... Zelena uses the night root on him in order to help bring out his courage, so she could steal the hilt of his sword which is now imbued with his courage once the hilt of his sword became a powerful symbol of his courage. Zelena is a very intriguing villain, and I especially couldn't wait to find out just what it is she's after I first saw this episode. Also... Zelena is quite creepy at times with how she acts around Mary Margaret and her poor baby inside of her, but she also appears quite genuine, so I can absolutely see why both Mary Margaret and David have fallen for her lies. Zelena's acting as a midwife and woman pretending to want to help Snow White is quite brilliant. As is Rebecca Mader's acting as Zelena. She really is phenomenal. I really love her as the Wicked Witch a lot. :) Now... I really love the brief scene between Regina and Henry too. It's so sweet to see them together, even though Henry can't remember Regina as his mother. And I love it when Regina tells him that perhaps one day, he will have more family than he will know what to do with. So true! As for Zelena's farmhouse and the storm cellar, and the reason for Emma mentioning to Hook that seeing this is where the Wicked Witch lives shows irony... it's because Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz lived in a farmhouse with a storm cellar out front as well, and The Wizard of Oz happens to be a movie Emma has seen. She thinks it's funny that the Wicked Witch would live as Dorothy did in the movie. And it is. Oh... and you also see a glimpse of a bike on Zelena's porch. The very bike that Miss. Gulch... the Wicked Witch of the West's true self is seen riding in the real world within the movie. I really love seeing these nods to The Wizard of Oz. And lastly, in regards to why Emma couldn’t sense Walsh’s deceptions while they were together... my thoughts are perhaps it’s because during the missing year when Emma also didn’t have her true memories, I suspect she didn’t always have her guard up. The same guard of being suspicious of everyone around her and their motives like Emma always feels for real. Yes... Emma still had the memories of being abandoned by both her parents and Neal too, but as far as she believed, Emma never gave up Henry and therefore, in her belief, Henry has always been there to help Emma fall out of her fear that everyone is going to hurt her. Therefore, Emma was eventually and perhaps uneasily able to let Walsh into her heart. And she couldn’t see he was lying to her all that time they were together, because she wasn’t looking at him with suspicion until Hook finally arrived and broke through to her about the truth. I might be wrong, but these are my thoughts. Overall... I really like this episode a lot. Oh... and now the heroes all know that Rumple is alive once again, so yay!! And that look on Hook's face in the moment he sees the spinning wheel inside the cage... you can clearly see the anger welling up inside of him as he's the first to realize who was being held prisoner in Zelena's storm cellar. Phenomenal! So good!!!! As is Regina's smug impression too. Thank you again so much, Liam!! Until next time, my friend... Sincerely, Heidi

Staton Chapman

I don't know why it irks me so much how much you ship the hook and Emma thing.. I apologize bc you have the right to your opinion. It just reminds me too much of rumple losing his wife to hook. Even tho Neil and Emma aren't married I still much rather him and her be together but everyone has their rights to their own opinions


Everyone is entitled to their opinions to a ship. I would say, let them be since I don't know why people ship Reylo or Olicity but each to their own

Staton Chapman

I agree I was just saying I don't know why it irks me lol but your right.