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Buffy 7x16.mp4

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Dan H

I never cared much for Andrew as a character but Tom Lenk really kills it in the last scene. Personally, I read a lot into that holding look by Buffy at the end when Andrew asks what if the tears didn't work. The non-answer says to me, at the very best, she doesn't really know. Not necessarily "then I'd have tried killing you" but possibly "I'd have seriously considered killing you", just as an indicator of how desperate she's getting under the pressure of the First's campaign. And, again, Lenk nails the last monologue, the way he catches himself starting to dramatize his story again and then just stopping himself. Overall got some funny bits (and a rare custom production logo at the end), but not a favorite of mine

Glorie Bluestein

while buffy's speech last episode was serious I think this episode with Andrew is where things really turn serious where even someone as Andrew understands exactly what is at stake here and you go from knocking on him to actually respecting him with the end speech. Also if you remember from entropy he mentions how cool spike is and then after a look from the other 2 boys he says the girl is cool too. Yes I always thought Andrew had a crush on Spike


Was at a viewing party when this one aired, and the invisible girl by the lockers got a huge gasp and laugh. Good stuff. Tom Lenk is great in this one too.


I don't think Anyas speech was scripted by Andrew, I think they were having their first honest conversation about their relationship in a long time, and funnily enough Andrews questioning brought that out in them. So he did some good there. I think he was mouthing the words as he rewatched the recording just because he thought it was so romantic and fit so well in his little documentary

Svetlana Grabar

It's interesting, some people dislike this episode (maybe they don't like Andrew, or think it's silly, idk) but personally I love it. The imaginary Andrew scenes were so well done. It also matches people's general inner world better- people do tend to romanticize and dramatize things. Meanwhile Buffy is trying to actually fight a war. I do get annoyed with Buffy's speeches though. What does it accomplish? Sure, she can ask them to take their training more seriously, but from what I can see, they are training to the best of their abilities. I do like that she is, as Wood said it, "redefining the role. That takes guts."

Thom Purdy

One of the best of Season 7. Tom Lenk is brilliant!


Go watch the dream sequence from Andrew's Mexico flashback again...you might catch an appearance of a certain dairy aficionado...

Flora Smith

This is genuinely one of my favorite episodes of the entire series and your reaction couldn’t have been more delightful

Ava Sinclair

After watching season 6 there was no way that I could have ever imagined that Andrew was going to end up one of my favorite characters and yet here we are. He was such a highlight of season 7 for me.