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Buffy 7x14.mp4

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I think I could actually see the gears turning in your head during the last scene, figuring out what was going on...


Oh wow I didn't know Ashanti was in this

Raven Dark

This episode is... I dunno. I've always had mixed feelings about it. I want to love it, and some parts of it I do, but some parts I don't. I adore the parts with Spike and Buffy and her date with Principle Wood, and I liked Kennedy and Willow. I even appreciated Andrew in this one, and I loved that he helped by wearing a wire. But a lot of the Xander stuff, and the bits with Chow Ann (sorry, that's probably spelled wrong) annoyed me. Try to hard Xander just bugs the hell out of me, and the desperate nerdy guy trope is just so overdone. I know they're trying to be funny, but it just didn't land for me. And the "Gay me up" thing just... Really? That's not funny at all. And Chow Ann, to me, is written to be the Diversity Character, in an extremely one-dimensional way. The humor there just kind of goes thud for me. The thing is, everything else is great, and the ending scene, the reveal with Woods' mom is fucking fantastic. It's just such a mixed bag episode. It's like, Ohhh. Thud. Ohhh, this is coo--thud. Oh, she's a demon, hahaha, Ker-thud... Wait, what the fuck--CLANG. Great reaction, though, and oh my god, I'm so sad that we're this close to the end!

Nicole Iannone

I like Anya trying to clean Buffy's shirt and pointing out that she thinks its not a blood stain but a pizza stain, because of course in "Conversations With Dead People" when Dawn is home alone, she drops her piece of pizza on that shirt and then shrugs and goes "eh, she'll just think its blood". Nice little call back/detail. As for the rest of the episode, its kind of a mixed bag. It's definitely more light hearted than a lot of episodes this season, which is a nice little break, but the Xander stuff just didn't work for me personally. By this point in the series I think I was over the whole "lol Xander only dates monsters" joke and didn't like them pulling it again here. I mean, even Cordy eventually became half-demon (admittedly after she stopped dating him and switched shows to Angel), which I assume she still is now that she's back though idk for sure.


Don't forget the call back of Andrew setting up a new microwave because the old one was destroyed in "Conversations with Dead People."

Kara Michelle

I see your points in 2021. In 2002 it was vastly different. Cho Ann yes is still a very oddly done role but also it does show them gathering girls from across the globe and the struggles that go with that (2002 goggles on)

Kara Michelle

Okay so I know everyone hates the repeativeness of Xanders whole demon deal. But can we all admit we love Ashanti just in general? I don't think I've ever see her be anything less than delightful in anything.