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Buffy 7x13.mp4

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Buffy at its best for me when several things go bananas at the same time, so I'm a sucker for this one.


It was Amy all alooooong


While these episodes were first airing, the shooting scripts for each one would usually leak online within a couple of weeks of the airdate. After the script for episode 10 went up, all of us saw this note in it when Giles first shows up with the potentials: "(NOTE: It is VERY important that GILES not touch or be touched by anything. He can walk and talk - but he can't fiddle or cuddle or caress. Got it?)" So we were all pretty worried about Giles being the First. Personally, I was disappointed when it all turned out to be a big ol' red herring. They were playing us just to ramp up some fake drama, and it had no affect on the story arc whatsoever. Anyway, who else loves that Buffy's immediate reaction to seeing Warren again is to punch him in the face, no questions asked?

Glorie Bluestein

everyone talks about the actors acting during the buffy/faith switch but the actors for willow and warren do an amazing job as well always gives me chills watching them crying. the episode does some nice tying up of some old concerns in the different groups........and even andrew was excited giles was giles. the kennedy/willow was always very controversial on the speed etc with many being for or against the push in a final season during this episode review

Dan H

I feel like Adam Busch never got enough credit for his run on the show, but especially for this episode

Flora Smith

Really glad you liked this one, it’s always been quite polarizing


The editing in this episode was really off pace. They kept cutting away from scenes just as interest was building up and segments were often way too short. At one point, the army had just made themselves known to Buffy and Spike, then it cut to 3 seconds of Willow/Warren walking, then back to Buffy and Spike where they had apparently already completed a full neurological exam of Spike.

Kara Michelle

Giles' line about not touching the girl being evil lives in my head rent free.

Idun V

I don't think I'll ever truly be over Tara.


So, this is why I am not imbued with power. I would have found Amy and turned her back into a rat...


When I first watched it, I was nervous about Giles being the First. When he shows at Buffy’s door and Buffy is going to hug him, but the potentials get in the way, it felt so odd that I kept looking for confirmation. He never held anything, nor touched anyone, nor was ever on the same scene with someone known to be the First. They sure put a lot of work into something of little consequence or pay off


Well it put a lot of us on edge for awhile. Not everyone noticed it. Looked at it at the time as a little bonus for people paying attention week to week. Plus, I was very relieved when it turned out he was human.


how old is kennedy meant to be, is this wierd, like a college age person dating a highschooler? like 4 year age difference?

Raven Dark

I always thought Kennedy was supposed to be close to Willow's age, maybe 20 or so. They never say her age expressly, but I think this because of one thing, mostly. A lof of the potentials come across as between 15 and 17 or so, like they should be still in school, but aren't only because they came to Sunnydale for protection. But in an earlier episode, they were all talking about who might be the next slayer, and when some of them said they thought they were too young, Kennedy said she thought it might be too late for her, which implies, to me, that she's older than the others by a few years. Just a guess though. Whatever the case is, she never felt too young for Willow.