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Buffy 7x10.mp4

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Raven Dark

Man this season. :D And that speech at the end always gives me goosebumps.


Ain't nobody can speechify like Buffy!


Any comments on Annabelle and Molly's English accents? Liam Duke and Torchwood Boy both had a lot to say about it. XD Liam suspecting Giles and Joyce being The First. 0.o I can see where you're coming from. To be honest, The First's motivations and powers are quite loosely written. Like why not just kill Buffy when she was out cold in this episode? Why bleed Spike to open the seal then keep him alive and torture him to turn him when it can trigger him at any time to do its bidding? Why go to the trouble to get Andrew to kill Jonathan when the bringers could easily kill someone and spill blood on the seal? With Joyce in this episode, it's so hard to tell because she appeared in Buffy's dreams, so we don't know if rules like it not being corporeal apply (Joyce handed Buffy a book). With Giles, how rude of the potentials to barge in just as Buffy went to hug Giles! At least Annabelle was nice enough to carry his books for him in her backpack. Liam is right about Faith being the "official" slayer in terms of the slayer line. Buffy already passed hers on in Prophecy Girl, no new slayer was called as far as we know when she died again in The Gift. One "story" reason The First might not be targeting Faith at the moment is that it thinks she is out of the game or at least it knows where she is. If Faith dies while all the potential slayers are still out there, who knows which new girl it will give powers to and what threat she would pose to The First. Whatever ends up happening with this season, trust that they definitely tried to get a lot of old characters back where they can. It is probably a big (and, IMO, the strongest) part of why they went for a villain that can look like any dead character.


This season of Buffy was pretty much planned to be the last, and the comics didn't come out until a few years after the tv finale. Remember that Angel also had another season on tv after Buffy ended and the Buffy season 8 comics take place after Angel season 5, so you can't take the comics as what the potential season 8 tv storylines could have been. Can't go into any more detail without spoilers, sorry.