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Once Upon a Time 3x03.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Quite a Common Fairy- Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction, Liam!! :) First... I love that the major themes throughout this episode were about second chances and redemption, mainly for both Regina and Tinker Bell, who I really love as a new character brought into Once Upon a Time. And I love how the backstory ties in with the major storyline throughout this episode, as Tink used up her second chance in hope of helping Regina before she was to become the Evil Queen, only for the roles to become reversed in the present storyline as it becomes Regina's turn to save Tink from falling down the same dark path she did when she turned against Tinker Bell. Oh... and by the way, Tinker Bell is played by New Zealand actress, Rose McIver, who is most known for her main character role as Liv in the TV show, iZombie. And she's perfect in the role as Tinker Bell. I love her! :) Next... I really love the moments between Tinker Bell and Regina within the cave, as Tink is prepared to take her revenge on Regina for losing her wings and magic due to Regina being selfish enough not to accept her help in finding her True Love, and worse... for causing Blue and everyone else to stop believing in her. I love that Regina rips out her own heart and begins to talk about how her own hatred for Snow and her miserable life eventually led to her becoming so evil, that her heart has forever been darkened in order to show Tink that the same will happen to her heart as well if she killed Regina. I also love the strength Regina shows when she gives her heart over to Tink and tells her that if revenge is truly what she wants, then she's free to crush it. And I absolutely love that this strength in Regina is what helps Tink to find her own strength to be the fairy she truly is, even if she doesn't have her wings or magic any longer. These scenes between Tink and Regina, while they're split off from the others while in Neverland, are my favorite moments throughout this episode. Another of my favorite moments is also between Hook and David, as Hook informs David that he had seen him become injured during their fight, then how Hook apologizes to him and encourages David to tell his wife and daughter the truth. Going with the major theme throughout this episode, it appears Regina and Tinker Bell aren't the only ones possibly on their way towards redemption, but that Hook is trying hard to be a better man as well. And I absolutely love it! I also love that it appears there's a possible friendship, or at least a better understanding growing between Hook and David as well, which I also love. Hook is genuine in wanting to help David for whatever his reasons for doing so might be. And I love it. :) Next... I really like the backstory between Regina and Tink, as Tink comes to Regina before she's the Evil Queen and still studying magic under Rumplestiltskin's tutelage. Like always... Rumplestiltskin is hilarious, especially when he jokes about why Regina's roast swan is so funny, then teases about how he understands the irony with the roasted swan, given that he knows Regina's future and of her rivalry with Emma Swan. Also... I really like how Tink longs to help Regina against the Blue Fairy's orders, since Blue has already given up hope that Regina will become anything more than the Evil Queen, and sadly she was right. Back then, anyways. I also really like the scene in the flowers between Tink and Blue, or as Blue calls her... Green, which is a nickname Tink hates. I find that interesting and it makes me wonder what Blue's real name is too, other than Reul Gorham, meaning Blue Star as was established back in season one's episode... The Return. However, while I disagree with Blue because she's so quick to give up on Regina, who could have gone the other way and found herself her new soulmate just as easily had she allowed herself to be happy again, it turns out that Blue was right all along. Which leads us to the ending moment between them, as Blue tells Tink she's used up her second chance and failed them. And sadly, that she no longer believes in Tink, causing Tink to lose her wings. Fairies need people to believe in them and without that belief, they are powerless. As is established throughout all stories of Peter Pan. Most fans of this show really come to hate Blue for this and for turning against Tinker Bell, if they didn't already hate her beforehand because she had convinced Grumpy to let go of Nova back in season one's, Dreamy too. Most people have come to call her shady. And while what happens to Tink is sad, I can also understand why Blue is so worried about Tink's decisions and her willingness to disregard the rules Blue has made for all fairies. Like everyone, every world needs rules to live by, or there's nothing among the worlds but chaos. Blue may have been overly strict, especially in regards to Tinker Bell and Nova, but she has her reasons for being so. Fairy dust and pixie dust is really powerful magic. So, anyways... I really do like Blue a lot. Now... I also love how Hook comes up with the idea for them to find Tink, so they can get her to help them get into Pan's camp to save Henry, knowing that Tink was once close to Pan and that Pan still trusts her. And I love how Regina's help in redeeming her, allows for Tink to find it in herself to help them all to save Henry, despite the heavy risk in turning against Pan. I also love the brief talk between Emma and Mary Margaret while in the tree house, as Mary Margaret shares with Emma about how she once lived in a place similar to the tree house, when she lived in the tree stump while living as a bandit before she met David. As for Regina's chance to walk into the tavern to find her soulmate with the man who has a lion tattoo on his right forearm... I really like this brief moment as Regina is about to enter, only for her to run away. It's sad and a little frustrating, but I understand Regina's reasons for doing so as she talks about them with Tink, both before Tink loses her wings and later while she and Regina are in the cave in Neverland. I can understand her fear of letting go of her hate even if she's absolutely wrong for doing so. And I also love the brief talk between Regina and Tink in the end, as she explains how it was selfish of Regina for not gong in to meet her love, because it meant he wasn't able to find his own soulmate in her as well. Now... as for the scenes with Neal, Mulan, Robin, and Roland, back inside the Dark One's castle... I enjoy these scenes for the most part, as Neal is fighting to find a way to get to Neverland for Henry and for Emma too. I am happy he's so eager to be a father to Henry, like any father should be, but as I've said before, I'm still not a fan of the idea of him getting back together with Emma. So I don't care so much for that part of his drive to get to Neverland. I just don't think they built up Emma's and Neal's romantic relationship well enough, or at least in the right way to make me want to see them get back together. However, I really like how Roland is the key to helping him, as Roland summons the Shadow by saying simply, "I believe." And I like how Neal jumps out the window to catch the Shadow. Is it cheesy? A little, but I still like it. And Roland is so cute. :) I just hate that as soon as Neal lands in Neverland again... of course Felix is right there because Pan immediately knows he's come, which leads us to believe that Neal is about to become Pan's next prisoner. And lastly... I really like that Robin Hood later invites Mulan to become a member of his Merry Men. I think they would be a great together. Especially because we know from Mulan's story and Disney movie, that she had been a warrior among the Chinese Army. And lastly, the differences between fairy dust and pixie dust... Fairy dust is from good fairies, which is created from diamonds that are mined by the Dwarfs and crushed into dust. The dust is collected by the Fairies. Its magic powers the world. Fairies use the dust for good, such as immobilizing an enemy or transforming a person back to their original form. Pixie dust has the ability to reunite anyone with their true love, even if the person has not met the true love yet. When poured over the person, the pixie dust sparkles and finds its way to one's true love. According to Tinker Bell, pixie dust does not lie. She also said that she used this technique "a million times", suggesting that fairies use pixie dust to help people frequently, in numerous ways. But it is also said that fairies are quite proprietary about pixie dust. Overall... I really enjoy this episode a lot and most of the scenes. And I absolutely love that the very end reveals the lion tattoo on Robin Hood's right forearm as he reaches out his hand to welcome Mulan into his band of Merry Men. Regina and Robin Hood are destined for more, and possibly even True Love. Thank you so much! Until your next reaction... Sincerely, Heidi


I really love this episode as well. And we had our first lgbtq+ moment!... But it was not meant to be :'(. Why do they always suffer in Tv shows or movies. Dare i say i lowkey ship Regina and Emma .. hehe. But i also ship Hook and Emma.. Though Neal is back so we just have to wait and see what happens. ... Im still sad. Mulan and Aurora would have made a really cute couple.

Lucile Byrd

Come on, someone like you shouldn't have low self esteem, that is reserved for people like me