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Once Upon a Time 3x02.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Lost Girl- Thank you so much for another reaction for Once Upon a Time, Liam! I really, really enjoy this episode a lot. I absolutely love the parallels between the main storyline for Emma as she struggles with figuring out who she feels she is and who she truly is, and the backstory for Snow as she also struggles to find her own strength in who she is as well. First... my favorite moments in this episode are those between Hook and Emma, as well as between Hook and David too. I love Hook's banter with them, like when Hook asks Emma how it is that the stories portray his character and how he assumes the world sees him as ruggedly handsome, until Emma smugly states, "If you think wax mustaches and perms are your thing." And I love how Hook also mocks David about them getting along more than once throughout this episode too. So funny. :) But more so... one of my absolute favorite moments comes in the end, when Hook offers Emma a sip of rum to help calm her nerves and how they tease about rum being his solution for everything. But more so, I love, love, love how Hook then asks Emma to tell him who she really is, to which she questions... "Wouldn't you like to know?", to which Hook gently and sincerely answers her... "Perhaps I would.", after which Emma walks away from him because she's too afraid to tell him the truth. Too afraid to allow him to see her vulnerability. And the look he gives as she walks away... I love it!!! Yes... while Hook has always flirted with Emma and shown her that he feels more for her than he feels about anyone else, this moment is when Hook is truly genuine towards Emma. He wants Emma to find the strength he already recognizes in her, and he wants to prove to her and everyone else that he is more than just the villainous pirate David and everyone has seen him to be up until now. Especially David, who is the least trusting of him out of everyone in their little band. :) Aside from being smug and cocky, Hook is also very gentle with Emma and encourages her not to give up hope. I love this about him and I love how it's clear that Hook is drawn to Emma. That he's growing to truly care about her. He may be smug and still a pirate and villain, but he's not the same villain he first was when he was introduced into the show back in season two's episode... The Crocodile. And his character has most certainly grown a lot since then. As for the rest of the storylines... First, I really love the backstory with Snow and Charming, as Snow struggles with trying to defeat Regina upon losing faith in her strength to lead and protect her people. And I really love how David helps her to find herself again by using the story of Excalibur being trapped within the stone and that only a true leader can lead this kingdom's people, in order to show her she's stronger than she believes herself to be. Yes... David may have lied to her about Rumplestiltskin helping him again and about finding Excalibur, but I appreciate that he did so only because he does so in order to help Snow and I appreciate that Snow soon comes to see it this way as well, instead of remaining angry with him for lying to her. Because his lie isn't meant to be deceitful or to hide anything from her. It is simply told to remind her of the woman he knows her to be when she couldn't remember for herself. It's really quite beautiful for him to have done so for her. Next... I really enjoy the moment Pan first introduces himself to Emma and how he offers her a chance to save Henry with a map that would only appear to her, so long as she followed his rules to get the map's magic to work for her. Unfortunately, Emma struggles with discovering the secret that would unlock the map, as she tries admitting everything she's ever denied about herself, including that she's the Savior, which she has denied more than anything else. And to make things worse, Regina grows impatient with Emma and snatches the map so she can enchant it to lead them to Pan himself despite Pan's rules. This leads to the team into a trap, as Pan and the Lost Boys attack them as punishment for breaking his rules. And I love the moment Hook makes a nod to the movie... Hook starring Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook and Robin Williams as Peter Pan, as Hook here mocks one of the Lost Boys about having done something bad to Rufio, most likely having killed him like when Hook had killed Rufio within the movie. Absolutely brilliant! :) A big battle breaks out and David is wounded upon being grazed by one of the Lost Boys' arrows we learn the arrows are tipped with dreamshade, which we learn from Hook earlier on in this episode that it's the very poison from Neverland he used in a concentrated dose to poison Gold back in season two's episode... The Queen Is Dead. That in its true form, the dreamshade kills a person slowly and painfully. Not good in the slightest. Because now... Charming has definitely been poisoned. Yikes! The battle ends abruptly when Pan sees the way Emma is looking down at the boy pinned beneath her, and she immediately let's him go as the boys all begin to retreat. Pan then warns Emma to get back to following his rules by admitting who she truly is. Later... Mary Margaret comes over to speak with Emma upon seeing her frustration and despair deepen. And I really love this conversation between mother and daughter. It's so sad, but it's also beautiful. Beautifully acted by Jennifer Morrison, as she comes to finally realize who she really believes herself to be upon feeling very alone and lost... a Lost Girl and an orphan, just as Pan later calls her to taunt her. I really feel the pain and emotion Emma gives off as she speaks with Mary Margaret in this moment every time, and I also feel really bad for Mary Margaret too. Because she's so sad that her daughter feels so alone and that she can't say or do anything right now to offer her the slightest comfort. Also... I love her line as Mary Margaret says to Emma... "It's okay. It's my job to change that.", assuring Emma she hopes they can mend their relationship so that one day Emma will come to truly see them as her mother and father, and that she will come to see herself for who she truly is. Not just the Savior, but as their daughter and that she is no longer alone. So beautiful! Which is why this moment between mother and daughter is my other favorite moment throughout this episode. :) I really do love Pan as a villain and for the most part... I really enjoy the direction this Neverland arc takes us. And I love the scene in the end with Emma and Pan, as he not only taunts her about being a Lost Girl and not having forgiven her parents for abandoning her, but I love his threat about how Henry won't want to ever leave Neverland the longer it takes for them to find and save him, as well as his threat towards David and Mary Margaret, which leads to the moment David studies the wound from the arrow and realizes he's in trouble. And lastly... I also really love all of the moments between Rumple and Belle, who reveals herself to be a ghost, or a manifestation brought on by his mind. And with them being in Neverland, anything certainly is possible, as imagination runs wild just like Rumple warns Emma of back in the premiere episode... The Heart of the Truest Believer. Also... I love seeing Rumple cut out his own shadow so that it can take his dagger someplace safe, where no one can ever find it including himself. Shadows are a major part of the Peter Pan storyline in every tale and Peter Pan and Neverland. So I really love how much shadows become such a key aspect of this tale of Peter Pan in Once Upon a Time too. It's all really brilliant, especially upon Pan being a villain within this version of his tale. Overall... this is a really great episode that I love very much. Emma most definitely shines throughout this episode just as she is meant to. And I just love her continued struggle with trying to discover who she is, as well as how encouraging Hook is for her. And while she denies a lot of who she is, she appears to be more grateful for his encouragement, than she is for the encouragement given to her from her own parents. It's sad, but I absolutely love it! :) Thank you so much again, dear friend! Like always, I enjoyed your reaction for this episode, and I can't wait for more to come!!! :) Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi