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Buffy 6x20.mp4

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Claire Eyles

Dark Willow rises! Hell yeah! :D

Claire Eyles

Technically Buffy didn't flatline, which makes the use of the flatline tone kind of annoying for me. If you look at the monitor she does still have at least a shockable heart rhythm, so not in asystole which would mean no heart activity at all (ie 'flatlined').

Claire Eyles

"Bored now"...And the award for most satisfying character death in a TV series goes to...:D

Ryan Moore

It was no surprise that the writers made Warren's death spectacular. The real accomplishment was that they also made it horrible: an asymmetrical, merciless, apocalyptic murder. It's a brilliant way of having the audience confront the ghastly results of getting what it wished for.

Glorie Bluestein

well remember when buffy talks about the line drawn she had to already deal with that when faith murdered a human and when she decided to try and kill faith. .


Buffy is kind of hypocritical here though the circumstances are different. She was willing to kill a human for Angel, now granted maybe if killing Warren could have somehow saved Tara then Buffy would've been okay with it.


The rise of Dark Willow is amazing I thus episode and although I love Buffy I just couldn’t relate to her because I remember what happened with Faith. To save her boyfriend, she was willing to kill Faith or bring a lifeless Faith to Angel to fed. Based on what we’ve seen this season Warren has done worst to Buffy and her friends then Faith ever did and he gets a free pass because be happy human although Faith was human as well... I loved that Xander and Dawn wanted Warren dead and Xander mentioned how Warren was no different from any guy she sent to dustville. Warren is human and suppose to have a soul yet this season has acted soulless as any soulless vampire.


I've watched this episode dozens of times and I finally noticed something about the cave drawings. I think the demon in that cave foresaw what was gonna happen to Warren. If you really look, one of them shows a head that has lines through the mouth and right next to it, a red body that's in an upright spread-eagle position...bearing a strange and eerie resemblance to Warren's torture at the hands of Willow. She sewed his mouth shut (head with the lines through the mouth), and then she flayed him (red body splayed). I could be wrong, though.

Briony Addey

Re: Buffy trying to kill Faith, versus Willow killing Warren. There's two- connected- differences that make a difference, morally speaking, and mean that Buffy killing Faith under those circumstances wouldn't be as bad as Willow killing Warren. First of all, if Buffy could get Faith's blood to save Angel without killing Faith, she would. Therefore Faith's death would be a foreseeable but unintended consequence, rather than Buffy's aim. Second of all, the aim (helping someone who fights for good) is just better, than revenge. The other point to mention is that a rogue slayer is definitely in Buffy's job description to deal with. As Buffy points out there is a system to deal with Warren. The system in Faith's case (e.g. The Watcher's Council) had already failed/ proved ineffectual when Buffy stabbed Faith- there were no other solutions for a murderous slayer that Buffy has access to. Faith poisoning Angel really just sped up this confrontation.


The shooting script just calls the cave paintings "scenes of carnage and torture," so if it's similar to what Willow did to Warren it was probably the art department having fun.


The most fun thing is to watch Welcome to the Hellmouth and Villains back to back. Then think about character growth and how amazing Alyson Hannigan is as an actress.

Hazel Angus

I love this and agree completely. I was so angry after "Seeing Red" that I was desperate for something awful to happen to Warren. I wanted him to be killed, destroyed, annihilated. Like Liam, I thought I'd relish Willow killing him and was looking forward to some righteous payback. Then it happened, and I just felt sick and hollow. There was nothing triumphant or victorious about it, it was just nauseating and incredibly sad. The writers were AMAZING here.


What is really hard to comprehend is that Warren and Tara were RL dating. Not sure if it was at the same time as this episode. But they did date!

Raven Dark

Rewatching these cause I'm running out of Buffy reactors and I'm bored... On Warren... Liam: I hope Warren gets eaten by wolves or something. Liam: You're gonna get a big surprise...and then hopefully a kick in the face. Dark Willow: I have a better idea.