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The Good Place 3x05.mp4

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Kara Michelle

As a Jacksonville resident. Those trucks aren't used as taxis BUT I have had multiple neighbors who owned lifted trucks like that. Most things you see about Jacksonville are exaggerated for comedy but there aren't that many inaccuracies. I want to high school with at least 3 Jason's. (Though Jason is dumber for comedic effect)


Season 3 is probably my favorite, I love what an existential nightmare it all is and the ethical questions it brings up. The show's focus on philosophy and the high stakes were already interesting as heck while they were in the afterlife, but ethics are much more complicated on earth. To this day I cannot decide who my favorite character is, or even rule out any character as contender for my favorite. I think I seriously love them all equally, which is the first time that has ever happened with anything for me. Also a body-spray/energy-drink/lube would absolutely sell if you could make it safe, I would not be surprised to see it pop up in a Wish ad.