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Angel 3x16.mp4

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Heather Hollenbeck

I feel like Cordelia's absence was necessary here, specifically in terms of Wesley's arc. Wesley felt he couldn't go to anyone with the prophecy. We've seen the past couple episodes, Wesley has been feeling cut off from his friends in regards to Gunn and Fred's relationship, and he definitely couldn't go to Angel about the prophecy because Angel would have refused to believe it possible and wouldn't have considered the actual danger. Cordelia was probably the only person Wesley might have gone to for help. By removing her from the equation, Wesley is left feeling completely isolated and is forced to make these choices by himself, when he isn’t thinking clearly.


Okay I love Wes but for this situation he handled everything poorly. The main thing he handled wrong was when he found out about the “prophecy” was not to not to tell anyone. I know Cordy wasn’t around but he should’ve called her or went to his friends. If Wesley could go to HOLTZZZ!! Holtz of all people then he should’ve went to his friends and this episode showed that more. The team found out that Angel’s blood was getting spiked and of course where was Wes? finding out about the prophecy during that time. I don’t care what situation Wes was forced into. You don’t knock out your friend and attempt to kidnap a child over something we aren’t sure of the full circumstances to. And the worst of worst, if you are going to attempt to successfully do a kidnapping, probably not stop for Justine? Anytime I watch that scene it makes less and less sense to me. He should’ve kept driving. Poor Angel in the end, all of this happened, his friend didn’t give him the heads up on anything which leads to that devastating ending. Team Angel was blindsided and that should’ve never been the case. Didn’t we learn anything from season 2? They work better when they are working together and are honest with one another. The main thing I loved about this plot was I showing how important it was to not have Cordy there because no way would all of this had still happened the way it did if Cordy was here.