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Buffy 6x13.mp4

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Man, Taras the best. No judgment, just support.


SMG has had a lot of bewilderingly good performances, and although other ones like the Body might be better, the last scene of this episode is what first comes to mind for me when I think about SMG's incredible skill.


Dead Things is legitimately one of the best episodes of the series; quintessential season 6. Loved that the show went this dark and linked the dark-side of humanity so strongly to Buffy and her journey this season.


I find it interesting when you (rightly) talk about Warren and his despicable behaviour that includes raping his ex girlfriend. But then you say Tara broke it off with Willow because Willow was being reckless with magic. Willow manipulated Tara‘s mind and even after being confronted with it, did it again. That included being intimate with Tara when Tara could not remember important parts of their relationship. How far off is that from rape? (Not equating Willow and Warren here, but I wonder why Willow‘s behaviour isn‘t seen as much more problematic)


I think for Willow, she had no idea what she was doing was that. I mean her reaction when she was being compared to Glory was stating how she was shocked, whereas it still is that in the end so I still think it is problematic and something I was angry with. When Tara left in Episode 8, Willow understood (partially, her comment the next episode is shitty but still) and did not force her to stay, unlike Warren. It's interesting, both characters altered their minds but whilst I think both are very wrong, Willow wasn't as malicious I guess if that makes sense as Tara and because she was too hooked to magic, she thought this would eliminate the rot from their relationship. With Warren, he was going to pick a woman anyways, use her for their own pleasure and basically had focus on himself and he just happened to find Katrina. He wanted to degrade them (with that master comment ugh) and didn't really intend on what Willow did, to try and disgracefully fix a relationship but yusss, youbring up a good point


This episode reminds me of Buffy's line from Earshot, "Every single person down there is ignoring your pain because they're too busy with their own." Buffy's so deep in her trauma that she's oblivious to basically rehashing her conversation with Dawn at the tower in The Gift. Dawn is so deep in her trauma she doesn't notice anything's going on with Buffy. Buffy acknowledges that her absence means Willow is mostly struggling alone. And the person Buffy originally says that line in Earshot to, Jonathan, is finally realizing how much deep shit he's gotten himself into. I could go on and on, I love this episode so damn much.

Claire Eyles

Catching up on your reactions, haven't watched the full reaction yet but I love how much you're hating on Warren. Bit of Buffy trivia, Amber Benson, who plays Tara, and Adam Busch, who plays Warren, actually started dating after meeting on the set of Buffy Season 6. They were together for 7 years, and remain close friends to this day. Adam Busch had some interesting stuff to say about Warren as a character back in 2017, here's a quote from an interview where he talks about most frightening 'big bads' on the show. "I’ll say Warren because, to me, that’s the most frightening. A demon that’s evil for the sake of being evil because he was made that way is frightening, because you know it’s not going to stop. But the fact that it could just be that nerd you’ve been ignoring for the last couple years or could be that girl or guy you turned down to go to the prom and you think everything’s fine but it’s not, and how unchecked his feelings are and how unchecked he is as a person. To me, that’s frightening. Of all these demons, some of the most awful things that were ever done on that show where the least humanity [was] shown was from a human being, was from someone that’s arguably one of us."