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Buffy 6x12.mp4

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Oh geez my least fav episode after go fish!

Raven Dark

Yeah. kind of agree with Meredith here, I never really cared for this episode either. I love the stuff to do with the characterization on everyone, like the stuff with Willow struggling with not using magic, the addition of bad Amy, Anya and her friend Halfrek, what's happening with Spike and Buffy, ect. But the all the stuff with the Double Meat Palace restaurant... I dunno. It's just a little too silly and hammy, and the thing with the woman with the demon coming out of her head is just too wtf, and not in a good way. I dunno, it just doesn't land for me. This was a fun reaction though, and you made it enjoyable .


Spike brought up a good point - what exactly would be in the Doublemeat nuggets???

Devon Martin

Season 6 is like an acquired taste lol....stick with it Liam, the rest of the season has alot to offer :)

Ray D

This episode is not very good. I mean old lady with a Penis monster sticking out of her head is a little much

Claire Eyles

Funny how my favourite Buffy season ever, also contains one of my least favourite episodes. This would be it. Not one on my rewatch list, more of a 'skip!'.