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Buffy 6X06.mp4

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Raven Dark

I agree with you. although I don't hate this episode, I don't love it, either. This is one of the weaker episodes of this season. And Willow's behavior is becoming...yeah. And now I'm dying to see you react to the next episode. No doubt along with most if not the entire Cattercrew. :D

Claire Eyles (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-16 18:30:01 Willow never being selfish with magic? Season 3 she tried to trick Xander into participating in a spell rather than actually dealing with the feelings they had for one another, season 5 she more or less dangled a great big carrot in front of Dawn that said 'resurrect your mother', and it wasn't up to her to nudge Dawn in any sort of direction as to how she was meant to process her mother's death, same season she goes after Glory without stopping to think what might have happened to Tara if Glory had killed her, which she almost did. Willow can't handle conflict or negative emotions, which leads her to do stuff that can be incredibly selfish at times. The difference now though is she actually has the power to really mess things up, like trying to shift people into alternate dimensions & screwing with her girlfriend's memories.
2020-12-23 03:55:02 Willow never being selfish with magic? Season 3 she tried to trick Xander into participating in a spell rather than actually dealing with the feelings they had for one another, season 5 she more or less dangled a great big carrot in front of Dawn that said 'resurrect your mother', and it wasn't up to her to nudge Dawn in any sort of direction as to how she was meant to process her mother's death, same season she goes after Glory without stopping to think what might have happened to Tara if Glory had killed her, which she almost did. Willow can't handle conflict or negative emotions, which leads her to do stuff that can be incredibly selfish at times. The difference now though is she actually has the power to really mess things up, like trying to shift people into alternate dimensions & screwing with her girlfriend's memories.

Willow never being selfish with magic? Season 3 she tried to trick Xander into participating in a spell rather than actually dealing with the feelings they had for one another, season 5 she more or less dangled a great big carrot in front of Dawn that said 'resurrect your mother', and it wasn't up to her to nudge Dawn in any sort of direction as to how she was meant to process her mother's death, same season she goes after Glory without stopping to think what might have happened to Tara if Glory had killed her, which she almost did. Willow can't handle conflict or negative emotions, which leads her to do stuff that can be incredibly selfish at times. The difference now though is she actually has the power to really mess things up, like trying to shift people into alternate dimensions & screwing with her girlfriend's memories.


Not cool Willow, not cool. Putting a forget spell on someone you love? Girl! I think everyone falls for the old guy not being evil. Loved your reactions when you saw Justin in vamp face.

Ray D

Was it planned out that the next episode would be on Christmas Eve as a gift or a coincidence?


Yeah this is usually the point in the series where I like to point out that Willow's issues with self-esteem, present since season one, often cause her to be a pretty bad friend, and sometimes an overall bad person. Her self-worth is tied to her magic use, so much so that literally any time one of her friends or partners expresses concern, she lashes out. In this instance, she lashes out to the point of actual abuse. This is one of the first times we've seen Tara stand up for herself in their relationship, and Willow's response to this is abusive, using magic to take away Tara's ability to do so, without Tara's knowing or consent. It's basically mind rape.

Flora Smith

Also almost cursing Oz an Veruca. The spell that goes haywire in Something Blue is another example of her misusing magic and specifically of her using it for her own gain and using it to avoid pain/hardship (even if it’s understandable there).

Nicole Iannone

Agree with all of this. Also, depending on how you look at it, bringing Buffy back from the dead could even be seen as somewhat selfish (i.e she understandably was devestated that her best friend was dead so went "lets bring her back!"). The group, aside from Xander really, kept saying that she must have been in some hell dimension and that's why they did it, but I honestly don't buy that. Other than what Xander mentioned about them still having Buffy's body (unlike how Angel's trip to Hell-Town worked in s2), I find it hard to believe that there's no spell they could've done to figure out exactly where Buffy was *before* jumping straight to a dangerous/powerful resurrection spell. Hell, they probably could've just asked Anya if heavenly dimensions were a thing, as an ex-demon I'm sure she'd know. She wouldn't have known that buffy went to one, but it would've at least put the thought into their heads that it was a possibility and they could've looked into it some.