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Two for the price of one!


Buffy 6x01.mp4

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Aurelius 19

Won't say I was waiting for it but... I kinda was^^ Thanks Liam for making it a double one


I was definitely waiting for this one! I am very curious to watch what your reaction will be to the decision that Willow made... Willow and the ones who agreed with her. Also, I want to see how you felt about Buffybot in this episode. lol Also I am happy you did both of these episodes together because when I first watched this episode when it aired on UPN, it aired as a 2-hour premiere.

Nick Earl

Personally, I don’t love this two parter, it has some great stuff but also some really goofy head-scratching moments. I don’t get why they put a cheesy demon biker ganger in the episodes, it completely undercut the much more interesting moral dilemma around raising Buffy from the dead. Rather than seeing the characters struggle with the ramifications of the decision, and the pressure being put on whether Willow felt justified in taking Buffy back to the land of the living, we have these ridiculous biker characters cutting in. Then there is the unanswered question of the grave in S5E22. If Buffy has a grave - she had a funeral and a death certificate. So, her father could easily find out. Surprised he was not notified by the authorities as he is directly related to her. Granted, he is not the most observant but a lot of demons knew Buffy was the Slayer. So, it should not have taken some goofy demon six months later seeing the Buffybot malfunction for the bad guys to realise the Hellmouth was no longer protected. Then, there is the whole issue of the Buffybot? I never liked that side story, and the idea Dawn would be okay with a robotic pseudo-form of her sister that a vampire built to have sex with is mental to me! Even if she agreed, and you could point to her desire to bring Joyce back, she would not be hugging it in a bed! Then there is the whole issue of how much Spike has been weakened in the show without explanation. A growing theme since the chip has been Spike’s inability to act as he once did, but they have now underpowered him in the show to the point that he struggles with one vampire. Go back three seasons and he could hold his own against Buffy and Angel. That said, there also some things in this episode I love. I love the tension forming between the rest of the Scoobies and Willow over her powers and the extent of what she is prepared to do. The scene with Dawn pleading to Buffy is probably the second best bit if acting Michelle Trachtenberg does in the entire show - it is great. I also well up, even after seeing this twenty times, at Giles’ airport farewell. So, yeah a mixed bag for me. Stuff to like but a fair few head-scratchers. I do generally think they should have kept Buffy dead for longer too, but fair play for committing to such an early return. Anyway, look forward to seeing your further reactions to this season.

Flora Smith

The ‘previously on’ was so lengthy and detailed because this season aired on the UPN instead of the WB so they tried to give as much info as possible for first time viewers


2 in 1.. you darling 🥰

Chess Red Eagle

I don't think this will be considered anything spoilery but someone let me know otherwise. In response to your question at the very beginning, it's widely believed, although never confirmed as far as I know, that it's the new slayer that has the official line tied to her. When Buffy first died, Kendra became the "official" slayer. When she died, Faith. It doesn't matter if Buffy died again, it won't raise a new slayer.


If that crane contraption was standing around for months now there would be a bunch of idiots hanging off it by their toenails taking selfies 🤣🤣 📱

Sharon Owen

I was waiting for this, with 5 episodes of Angel in between Buffy it was much anticipated! I'm glad you kept it as the 2 parter. This was a great couple of episodes, it shows Willow's power and how it's evolved, from using it on the vampire hunting to using black arts (the deer!) as well as that ressurection spell. I love that we got to see Tara kick some ass too!

Katherine Thoreson

1x10 Nightmares - One of Buffy's nightmares was being buried alive........this show man........


"Is Xander looking jacked?" --Liam Not really. He put on a few pounds before this season started. And I do not say it to be mean, it's just fact. He looks better with a fuller face, honestly

Glorie Bluestein

season 6 is an emotional roller coaster, I disagree with a previous commenter who didn't like the demons there. just like the vampire at the end of the body episode the demons are a reminder while they are doing all this it's still business as usual on the hell mouth. And a reminder how much they need the slayer.

Raven Dark

Gah. I left a comment here, and Partreon once again made it go poof. So annoying. Well, anyway, great reaction, Liam, as always.

Nick Earl

In response to your points, I would argue that Scoobies' emotional need for Buffy, and the fact they can't move on with their own lives without her and feel the need to resurrect her even when they have no idea where they are taking her from is really powerful. Their identities are so closely defined by their relationship with Buffy that it causes them to make drastic choices to ensure her return. Which is damning, fascinating and very provocative. By contrast, them 'needing' Buffy to save the world and kick Demon butt is so much more boring and generic. The arrival of the really goofy Biker gang undercut the episode's entire tone, turning it from a dark introspective character study into a stupid B movie.

Glorie Bluestein

Yup. .....ans you're one of the only ok ones that has problems with both plot points, it's still a supernatural show, not a regular drama show. You're arguements about spike are leather invalid....even buffy has her off days where she's injured by 1 vampire. Flashback to scene with riley and dawn where she has the stomach injury from some newborn vamp. In the end spike was the one to kill the big vampire. It has nothing to do with the chip in his head. It's just a reminder that even after facing a god yes vampires are still a day to day issue. They still have strength and speed. Your not an uber superhero just because you killed glory. You still need to fight to take things down.


I do like the opening of this season. It didn't cheat with bringing Buffy back from the dead--suitably creepy, horrible, and completely within the realms of the show's reality.


This episode is 19 years old and I've seen it a bunch of times but I love how I'm still catching things. This time, I realized that Giles left his farewell note on the Magic Box's cash register - because that was the quickest way for Anya to find it!

Nick Earl

One of “the only ok ones”? Well, I am sorry people have not been ok to you in the past when it comes to disagreements. I always think civil discussion and meaningful disagreement does not have to descend into abuse. On the points at hand, the variation and inconsistency in Spike’s power to suit narrative of the storyline bugs me. I am perfectly prepared to accept two years of having a chip in his head and mooching around have compromised his fighting skills, but it should be consistency. I am not looking for people to be superheroes by the way, my problem with this two parter is it too often diverted away from the human drama and emotional stakes at hand.

Claire Eyles

I am a simple person, I see Buffy Season 6 reactions I hit subscribe.

Claire Eyles (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-16 18:33:21 In the commentary on this episode the biker demons had to all be dubbed in with their voices due to the prosthetics covering their noses. Also the head biker demon actor sounded as if he wasn't exactly popular on set - the commentary didn't give any details, only that it was implied he wouldn't have been asked back in a hurry. Also Anthony Stewart Head was actually leaving to return to England on holiday (whether Giles returns or not you'll just have to wait and see) when the airport scene was filmed. The rest of the cast were genuinely sad at his saying goodbye and kept breaking character & tearing up when they were meant to be acting all stoic. The scene with the deer as well was really, really hard on Alyson. She needed a lot of support to get through that.
2020-12-01 10:38:38 In the commentary on this episode the biker demons had to all be dubbed in with their voices due to the prosthetics covering their noses. Also the head biker demon actor sounded as if he wasn't exactly popular on set - the commentary didn't give any details, only that it was implied he wouldn't have been asked back in a hurry. Also Anthony Stewart Head was actually leaving to return to England on holiday (whether Giles returns or not you'll just have to wait and see) when the airport scene was filmed. The rest of the cast were genuinely sad at his saying goodbye and kept breaking character & tearing up when they were meant to be acting all stoic. The scene with the deer as well was really, really hard on Alyson. She needed a lot of support to get through that.

In the commentary on this episode the biker demons had to all be dubbed in with their voices due to the prosthetics covering their noses. Also the head biker demon actor sounded as if he wasn't exactly popular on set - the commentary didn't give any details, only that it was implied he wouldn't have been asked back in a hurry. Also Anthony Stewart Head was actually leaving to return to England on holiday (whether Giles returns or not you'll just have to wait and see) when the airport scene was filmed. The rest of the cast were genuinely sad at his saying goodbye and kept breaking character & tearing up when they were meant to be acting all stoic. The scene with the deer as well was really, really hard on Alyson. She needed a lot of support to get through that.

Nick Earl

Quite a lot of people are not thrilled with this episode. It has a mixed critical reception, and is the opener to a highly divisive season. Besides, I never said I hated it, merely it is a mixed bag for me. Also, even if I was the “only one” who criticised parts of it? Why would that matter? Whether people agree or disagree with me has zero reflection on whether my points are valid.

Nicole Iannone

Pretty much this. It's not been confirmed one way or the other but it would make sense for the line to run through Faith now. The only in universe things that suggest otherwise were mentioned by those who were not Watchers/Slayers. For example the Mayor said that he didn't want to just kill Buffy immediately because he "didn't want a replacement showing up". And I imagine the council would've notified Giles at the very least if another slayer was activated, even if just to use as an excuse to fire him again after Buffy died.


Thanks for doing the second part also! It's probably my favorite season opener for sure. Looking forward what's to come for you!


I love this episode so much! It doesn't matter how many times I watch it, it still hits everytime. The acting is incredible. Like you said, whenever Willows heart breaks so does mine. AH does such a good job conveying the responsibility Willow feels for bringing Buffy back and effectively saving her from Hell. You really feel her desperate need to save Buffy after all the times Buffy has saved everyone else, and her pain at letting her down when the spell 'fails'. The scene between Buffy and Dawn is also heartbreaking, and a beautiful parallel with their scene before Buffy dies - again brilliantly acted by both of them. The most amazing part to me though is how much SMG is able to convey without saying a single word. She only has 5 lines in the whole episode (as Buffy not Buffybot) but you know exactly what Buffy is thinking and feeling. Even in that last moment where Dawn embraces Buffy, you would expect Buffy to close her eyes and lean into it, relieved to be alive and be with Dawn. But she doesn't. She stares over Dawn's shoulder, completely numb and passive . We've just seen Buffy acting like her normal self - she's coherent and saves Dawn, it's like she's been jolted out of her confused state and everything is back to normal.... but you don't get the happy moment you're expecting, instead you know Buffy is not okay and its all through expression and body language. Seriously, why did she never get an Emmy for this role?

Raven Dark

One of the many things I wanted to say in the comment I made after I watched this reaction was that I agree with what you said during season 5's finale. I don't think it would have dampened the impact of season 5's ending knowing there were two seasons following it either. There are so many ways that season 6 could have gone. I had to save this until you already saw the opening for season 6 in case even my thoughts acted as spoilers. They could have used the Buffybot for season 6, and taken all of the season to figure out how to bring her back, then resurrected her at the start of S7. They could have broken Faith out of jail and had her be the slayer for season 6, then brought Buffy back in S7. They could have gotten away with having her gone for the whole season if they had wanted to, as long as they handled it right and gave hints that they were trying to figure it out. Hell, they could have had Willow figure out how to put Buffy's soul inside Faith and had Elisa Dushku play Buffy for the rest of the series, or only for S6. it still would have been Buffy, just wearing a different face. They could have had Buffy stuck in Spike's body for part of it. LOL That would have been hilarious. Of course, your idea, that Willow pulls a Pinoccio and turns Buffybot into the real Buffy would have been neat. Or an alternate version of her, such as from The Wish. All of them would have worked. Though I gotta say, I love the way they chose to do it. Sorry, I know that was a tangent, but I love thinking about stuff like that. I do love the way they did it, but I can't help wondering what it would have looked like if they had put off bringing her back for a little longer. Also, I agree with Danna, she should have got an Emmy for the role. They did SMG dirty on that one.

UTU49 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-16 18:33:20 I love that Willow slaughtered the Bambi. Hear me out. lol. I don't have a blood lust or a hatred of deer. Rather, I love all the indications that bringing Buffy back was not the right thing to do. It's interesting and appropriate to depict a resurrection as being a questionable action. Many shows and movies do it in a way that is entirely perfunctory. --> "There! Presto! Change-oh! Everything's back to normal now! We know that we yanked you around by killing off a character, but now we're undoing it and sweeping it under the rug, because that is SOOOO much easier to write. Kthnxbai!" -- The Writers of other shows and movies.
2020-12-11 17:35:54 I love that Willow slaughtered the Bambi. Hear me out. lol. I don't have a blood lust or a hatred of deer. Rather, I love all the indications that bringing Buffy back was not the right thing to do. It's interesting and appropriate to depict a resurrection as being a questionable action. Many shows and movies do it in a way that is entirely perfunctory. --> "There! Presto! Change-oh! Everything's back to normal now! We know that we yanked you around by killing off a character, but now we're undoing it and sweeping it under the rug, because that is SOOOO much easier to write. Kthnxbai!" -- The Writers of other shows and movies.

I love that Willow slaughtered the Bambi. Hear me out. lol. I don't have a blood lust or a hatred of deer. Rather, I love all the indications that bringing Buffy back was not the right thing to do. It's interesting and appropriate to depict a resurrection as being a questionable action. Many shows and movies do it in a way that is entirely perfunctory. --> "There! Presto! Change-oh! Everything's back to normal now! We know that we yanked you around by killing off a character, but now we're undoing it and sweeping it under the rug, because that is SOOOO much easier to write. Kthnxbai!" -- The Writers of other shows and movies.


Lmao imagine starting this series in SEASON 6


I realized that this happens to me when someone has posted a comment after I clicked on the thread but before I click Post. If you copy your comment after typing it out, reload the thread, and then paste it back in and post it, it should work. There might be an additional cause to the disappearing comments but that is definitely one cause. You'll notice it rarely happens when you respond to comments, because it's less likely that someone has responded to that right before you. And it happens a lot more often in busy comment sections.

Jarrod Wild

It took a couple viewings for me to catch Buffy's soul whooshing in from above and into her grave just after the urn is broken and Willow collapses.

Raven Dark

Oh, wow. I only recently noticed the soul whooshing into her grave when someone pointed it out, but I didn't notice that it specifically came from above until you said that. *Sob*


Actually, in season 7, Buffy herself and the other characters said many times, that when Buffy dies, one of the potentials will become a slayer. this whole "slayer line runs through Faith now" is just something the fandom came up with to explain writers' mistakes and plot wholes.