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Once Upon a Time 1x06.mp4

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Thats also a thing i love most about this serie. The Storylines are incredible. Everytime i watch this im impressed by how good it is in telling the story, or well telling all of their stories. It all makes sense in the end of the epsiode and you're like: "WOW" .

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Shepherd- Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for Once Upon a Time!!! I really enjoyed your reaction, and I really love this episode a lot too. So many parallels, contrasts, twists, and turns... and they're brilliant!! This show is full of these elements, and I love Once Upon a Time so much!! First, here is a little information on Charming's name... Charming's mother never actually speaks her son's name at all throughout the episode. She actually only ever calls him "my darling boy", or something to this effect. Nor does King George or Rumplestiltskin. The only time a name for him is spoken throughout this episode... is when King George and King Midas calls him by the name that belonged to his twin brother, the Prince who died. James. When Charming agrees to King George's and Rumple's agreement to pretend to be his brother, Charming takes on the role of Prince James, pretending to be his brother in a ruse to con King Midas for his gold for the sake of George's kingdom. Charming doesn't wish to be a part of it, but then George darkly threatens to kill Charming's mother and to destroy their farm if he refused. So he becomes Prince James, as he's pretending to be when he first meets Snow White and therefore introduces himself to her as James. Charming's true actual name, which will be somewhat cleared up in a very strange, yet entertaining kind of way in future episodes, is not actually revealed yet. I just won't say which episodes to avoid spoilers. For now... you can call him simply Charming like Snow White calls him in the Enchanted Forest upon giving him this nickname, and in Storybrooke... he's David Nolan. Now... I absolutely love the scenes between Charming and Rumplestiltskin, who is always brilliant, and the scenes between Charming and King George, who I love to hate. We have this episode's biggest twist when Prince James is killed, and we learn that he had a twin brother no one knew about except for Rumple himself, and of course the twins' parents. Not even Charming knew he had a brother, since they were babies when Rumple made the deal with his parents to save them and their farm. I love each of these interactions... between Rumple and King George, as well as Rumple and Charming before he becomes Prince James. I absolutely love this big twist with Charming having a twin brother, and seeing how Charming comes from being just a shepherd to rising up a Prince. Brilliant! :) As for why Rumplestiltskin made a deal with Cinderella for her first born child back in the fourth episode, The Price of Gold... one of his reasons for doing so, is so Rumple can make deals with people in such a way as he had done with King George within this episode. When George asks Rumple to procure him and his wife a child when he learned they couldn't conceive a child of their own, Rumple every now and again makes deals with other parents in exchange for their children. This is only one reason for Rumple making deals in exchange for children. Other reasons will become clear in later seasons. Robert Carlyle is always brilliant in his acting of Rumplestiltskin, as well as Mr. Gold, both characters who have their hands in pretty much everything that goes on in our characters' lives. Both in the Enchanted Forest and in Storybrooke too. He's very clever and conniving, and like I stated before... he has a reason for doing everything he does. Then, Rumple and King George convinces Charming to take on this ruse for King Midas so that George's kingdom will be replenished and so that Midas will give King George all the gold he desires. And yet Charming isn't meant to kill the dragon himself, only to pretend to have done so while George's men go into the cave to do so for him, seeing as he's seen as nothing more than a shepherd in their eyes. Little does anyone realize how good Charming is and how skilled he is at being a shepherd, as he charges in to try to protect the men's lives, then soon slays the dragon himself despite what everyone believed him to be capable of. I love how brave he is. And I really love this battle between Charming and the dragon. Now... I feel that my favorite scenes throughout this episode are definitely those between Charming and his mother. Such a tender and heartbreaking moment as they say goodbye to one another, as Charming is forced to agree to George's demands in order to protect his mother, as well as for the sake of the kingdom. His mother is so sweet and loving, and I love that she gives her son her ring and states that it will lead him to his true love, which it does as we see in the end when it shows Snow waiting in the tree as the royal carriage with Charming and Abigail drive past, leading into the beginning of Snow White's and Prince Charming's love story shown in episode three... Snow Falls. I also really love how Charming's mother tells him that she shared True Love with his father, and with him as his mother. So beautiful. Also... I love the beginning scene with him and his mother when she's trying to set him up with another woman, then his mother gets upset with herself for trying to set her son up in a marriage she knows he would never be happy in. These scenes show how much she truly loves her son, and how close she and Charming are with one another. As far as why Charming states they can't be together... it is purely out of fear that he will come to be guarded at all times upon taking on the role of the Prince and now being engaged to Midas' daughter, that George would have his mother killed and their farm destroyed, just as George threatened to do should Charming refuse to play the role of his son. It's tragic and I hate that they can't be together any longer. And while I hate King George for forcing Charming to take on this role and burden, I do love the uneasy relationship between him and Charming that comes from him being the villain he is. Next... I enjoy this show's take on King Midas, as well as seeing that Kathryn, whose true name is Abigail in the Enchanted Forest and is Midas' daughter, is sweet and kind, while Abigail is quite the opposite. And yet, there's more to her than meets the eye. And in his own fairytale, King Midas is known as the man with the golden touch. A man cursed to turn everything his hand touches into gold. It sounds great at first, but the price of this magic is steep. As for the present day storylines... First, with David and the windmill when he sees it in Gold's shop... Because Charming was unconscious upon being severely wounded when the curse fell over them, in Storybrooke he's found in a coma and once he awakens, the curse hasn't affected him fully yet because of his unconscious state as the curse reformed everyone's memories, including his. This is what the curse has done for everyone from the Enchanted Forest brought over into Storybrooke within the curse, except for Regina because she's the one who cast it and created a way to keep her own memories intact. The curse alters everyone's memories... taking pieces from everyone's true lives and manipulating them in such a way so that everyone is truly miserable, and everyone's happy endings are simply gone. For David... because he was briefly engaged to Princess Abigail in the Enchanted Forest, the curse made both him and Kathryn believe that they're married in their cursed lives here in Storybrooke. However, that they are also in a rocky marriage, given that their real relationship was very rocky. But then again, because David was unconscious when the curse hits him, his false memories didn't work on him like they instantaneously did for everyone else. He simply has no memories of anyone or anything whatsoever. Which is why he is confused by his true love for Mary Margaret, who he is really married to like we saw from Charming's and Snow White's wedding shown in the Pilot episode, and his false love for Kathryn he can't remember. Until of course Regina leads David to Gold's shop, where she has neatly put the windmill into place to help implant the false memories permanently within David's mind, so that he will remember feelings for Kathryn he never actually had. The windmill being a symbol of the false love David and Kathryn shared for one another. The windmill was used not to so much help trigger the memories, but to hypnotize David in a sense until the false memories flooded through his mind. I know this isn't really explained in the show very well, so I thought I would try to explain what I feel it might have been done to David. I hope this explanation makes sense. Although... you certainly were able to understand what's occurred in this scene better than most people who watch this episode for the first time, so kudos to you, Liam! Also, in regards to the unicorn mobile hanging up in Gold’s shop that drew David’s eyes, making him feel drawn to admire it... this is the same mobile we see once hanging up in Emma’s nursery above her bassinet inside their castle before the curse sweeps everyone away. It was meant to be for Emma, although she never got to spend more than a few moments in their castle or in her nursery, before Charming put her into the wardrobe to save her from the curse. In this moment, David feels a sense of familiarity with the mobile, until he shrugs it off the moment Gold interrupts as he teases David’s true self by uttering “Charming”, then immediately goes on to say that he meant the mobile to be charming and delicately crafted. As for the end scene between David and Mary Margaret once he remembers his false memories and then comes to find her down by the troll bridge... this scene was beautifully acted by both Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas, and you can feel Mary Margaret's heart shatter upon being crushed when David tells her he wants to do right by Kathryn. And to be honest... I'm not so sure which is worse... for him to break Mary Margaret's heart, or Kathryn's heart. It's crushing either way. Because Kathryn doesn't deserve this anymore than Mary Margaret does. But oh... I just feel so bad for Mary Margaret. David too. It is wrong that David led Mary Margaret on, but he didn't intend to hurt her. He was very truthful about how he feels about her, and he was doing right by her and Kathryn both until Regina screws everything up just as she intended by putting David on his path to Gold's shop knowing exactly what would happen to him. Their relationships are definitely complicated. As for the scene between Emma and Sheriff Graham... it's brief and just okay. I didn't really take much away from it, although that it's meant to help make you feel there's something more between Emma and Graham, which explains why she's more jealous of his twisted relationship with Regina, than angry over his deception and him having sex with Regina while Henry's asleep in the house and having to work the night shift. And lastly... we have the end scene between Mary Margaret and Dr. Whale. I do not like them together. And I always get so frustrated when he asks if he can buy her a drink, and she says that he can buy her two. Clearly, this leads us to believe something more might happen between them and yikes... they are not good together whatsoever. Overall... I love this episode and I loved getting more of a brilliant backstory with Charming and his twin brother, Prince James. I also enjoy David's constant pursuit of Mary Margaret, as he struggles to convince her that he wants to be with her and not Kathryn, even though it all ends in tragedy. I love how he states that he never chose Kathryn, only the man he couldn't remember supposedly had because he never was him. He was only ever a man who loves Mary Margaret and is drawn to her because they are one another's True Loves. The twists are great and the acting is top notch. Thank you so much, Liam!!! I can't wait for more, so until next time, my friend...


I love this episode. One of the best things about this show, especially in this season, is how all the storylines are intertwined and each episode just fills in the blank spots. The twist on David having a twin brother is one of the first cool twits this show delivers.


Now you see why after the third episode, I paid for Hulu to binge watch. Of course, that was way back when season two had just come out and my nephew told me to watch season one, so I humored him by watching the first few episodes. Then i was hooked and binge watched it in two days, so I was ready for season two to air.

Karsten Hase

this show is sooooo hard not to spoil xD im just waiting egerly for every OHHHHH SHIT moment

Red Hunter

We are so polar opposite when it comes to Regina... from the moment she cam on screen I loved her! But I do have to agree.... Mary and Whale 🤢🤮 Hell to the no!

Melissa Amato (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-16 18:41:00 Awe, Red H. but Whale is fun. Skeezy, but fun. & we have no idea what his tail entails. Intrigue, & disaster. Love him. David Anders is so good at being Subtile. & like the rest of the Fine & Amazing Cast, of OUAT💗 he's so F*** Talented.🧑🏼Loved him in 👁️ Zombie too. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶
2021-06-07 15:34:08 Awe, Red H. but Whale is fun. Skeezy, but fun. & we have no idea what his tail entails. Intrigue, & disaster. Love him. David Anders is so good at being Subtile. & like the rest of the Fine & Amazing Cast, of OUAT💗 he's so F*** Talented.🧑🏼Loved him in 👁️ Zombie too. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶

Awe, Red H. but Whale is fun. Skeezy, but fun. & we have no idea what his tail entails. Intrigue, & disaster. Love him. David Anders is so good at being Subtile. & like the rest of the Fine & Amazing Cast, of OUAT💗 he's so F*** Talented.🧑🏼Loved him in 👁️ Zombie too. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶