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Buffy 5X18.mp4

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LOL your face at "Angel's lame. His hair goes straight up and he's bloody stupid." Spike told Warren what scripts to program for Buffybot. I have a feeling a lot of the fandom does not like the Buffybot, but I love her. She provides great comic relief in an emotionally difficult string of episodes here in the show.

Flora Smith

Agree. You can see how much Sarah is enjoying it too




Lol Buffybot!! See how it slips off the tongue 😛😂

Raven Dark

Haha, OMG, Buffybot. I've been waiting to see how you'd react to her. And, ROTFL, Robobuffy, that's the first time I've heard her called that. YOU can call her that. You can, because you're special. And because you make it work. I was so afraid this episode would push you too far, especially with the way you initially reacted to her. But I think it pushed you just far enough, almost creeping you out too much, and then pulling you back around just in time. It's fascinating to watch, because in theory, this episode should not have worked. I think in the hands of less skilled writers, it could have been horrible, but Joss pulled it off. I've been meaning to say something with regards to this episode, but with every other reactor, I always forget. I'm pretty sure the Lord of the Rings references were intentional nods. Calling the minions hobbits with leprosy and then, more than once, having Glory refer to Spike as "Precious", there is no way that was a coincidence. I also like the parallels in this ep, but I noticed another one, in addition the one you mentioned. Buffy felt like she was becoming incapable of love, whereas Buffybot really is incapable of love. And then we have Spike, who is in love, but it's obsessive love, or twisted love. And I really like the connective thread they used to link the scene with Dawn and Buffy before Buffy left to the next scene with Spike's first reaction to the Buffybot. Buffy said to Dawn, "Weird love is better than no love," and then we saw an example of "weird love," with Spike loving the Buffybot, posing the question, is weird love really better than none at all? Love this reaction so much, and I think you're right, this lighter, funnier, cheesier episode is exactly what we needed at exactly the right time. Joss may not always give you what you want, but he usually gives you what you need.

Ian Swallow

So there I was about to write up my own personal insight into Spike this episode and I got halfway through and realised I can't go into the details I want to without inadvertently giving Spoilers away. But I can say that back when I first watched this I thought that the last Spike scene seemed pivotal & cool.


It does. Then again so does RoboBuff. I don’t know 😂 I also make up my own rules hahaha aka Cray Cray Lady in the Red Dress 😂


I say that the Buffybot was simultaneously one of the stupidest, funniest, and most brilliant things the Buffyverse ever did. Only the Buffyverse would take a silly thing like the Buffybot use it as an opportunity for significant development in the dynamic between Buffy and Spike. Buffy is legitimately grateful to Spike for protecting Dawn’s identity. Acquiring the Buffybot was reprehensible. On the other hand, he withstood torture, and was willing to die, to protect Dawn’s identity. Incredibly, Spike has actually proven to Buffy that, even though he’s a cad, when it comes to the most important things, like protecting Dawn, Spike will come through – even at his own great expense. Does Buffy actually trust Spike a little bit now? For the first time ever? I think she does. To me this is a brilliant blend of comedy and drama.


I often make up additional dialog for scenes while I’m watching. Sometimes I think of something that might make things clearer or funnier… or add in new connotations. Anyway here’s what I thought of today. WILLOW: (to Buffy) I found where she's (the Buffybot) broken. … It's an easy fix. Buffy glares at her. WILLOW: I mean ... not that I would. XANDER: God, I feel ... kind of bad for the guy. Gets all whupped and his best toy gets taken away. BUFFY: Xander. Please don't be suggesting what I'd have to kill you for suggesting. XANDER: No, no, travesty, completely on board, it's just ... the guy was so thrashed. Buffy considers this. [supplemental dialog] WILLOW: Maybe I should fix the Buffybot. We could send her back to Spike to find out if he told Glory anything. XANDER: We’d be using the Buffybot as a double agent to spy on Spike. BUFFY: I hate this idea. But I think we better try it. [back to the original transcript] Cut to: Spike lying in his crypt, daylight outside. His facial bruises have swelled up and his hair is still messy. The door slams open. The Buffybot stands there, no longer wearing her jacket but still in the pink blouse and skirt. She walks briskly over to the coffin where Spike's lying. BUFFYBOT: Spike! You're covered in sexy wounds. I clipped the above dialog and described actions from a transcription at foreverdreaming.org. “Transcribed by Joan the English Chick.” I simplified and rewrote a little of it. The thing I like about adding these lines is that it makes it feel more plausible BOTH that they would send the Buffybot back to Spike AND that Buffy herself goes instead, impersonating the Buffybot.

Thom Purdy

Joss has a hand in all scripts, but it is credited to Jane Espenson, which, considering the comedy factor, is not surprising.