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Angel 2X15.mp4

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Free Your Geek

One of my favorite episodes this season! That elevator scene still gives me chills! Kate, Wesley and Angel break my heart!

Sharon Owen

Love this episode! So much happens in it, you don't expect it to be a 2 parter, you have the Angel/Darla thing, the Cordelia thing and the Kate thing all not concluded this episode.


The scene in the elevator for me is what just encapsulates why I love heroes so much more than villains. Villains may scheme and have an occasional ploy, but they're not going anywhere. They're just ultimately serving the entropy of the universe. Heroes are the ones who have a reason to fight. (And it occurred to me this time through that this is what made "Mockingjay" seem so familiar to me. At the end of the war, Katniss visited the Home Office, realized that evil was in everyone around her, and then fought the only way she could. Okay, off topic, but yeah. Whedon was much more explicit about it than Collins, but same message--evil isn't something that comes in and takes over. It's the natural state of everything. But it can be fought.)