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 "And yet, somehow, I just can't seem to care"


Angel 2X10.mp4

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Free Your Geek

The way this season has progressed so far is so amazing! From the beginning of this season, wiping the slate clean and achieving redemption “one soul at a time” to “and yet, somehow, I just can’t seem to care.” The first time I watched this, my jaw dropped and I had goosebumps! Ever since Darla made her presence known, Angel has been obsessed with saving her. He even went so far as to try to ignore or reprioritize the vision Cordy got from the PTB. As much as I enjoy your reactions, I think I enjoy your theories and recapping at the end of the reaction. I’m excited to see your reaction and hear your thoughts as the season progresses!


Episode 2 also foreshadowed this with Angel telling the paranoia demon "take them all" and leaving. It's even better than foreshadowing, because if we hadn't seen that, it would have been harder to believe Angel's actions in this episode were actually in character. He's acting "out of character" but in a believable way that's grounded in his character. I love how they're exploring the darkness in Angel—Angelus is his dark half, but Angel is a person with flaws and dark instincts outside of Angelus, which is what makes him so much more interesting on his own show than he was on Buffy. I think you nailed everything you said about Angel's state of mind, with how he switched from being hyperfocused on getting to his redemption to being hyperfocused on Darla. And it must be so frustrating to get a sort of closure on her redemption by her accepting her death, only to have that reversed. Darla has been misguided ever since she was brought back, always manipulative or angry or frightened, and only got a few minutes of understanding how much she was loved and accepting her own humanity before she was murdered again. Now I'm just rambling, but ugh I love these episodes!

Phoenix Dawn

That last bit gives me the chills still!


First Angel lets a room full of lawyers die... then he fires the entire gang. The wheels are off, man.