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The Good Place 1x01.mp4


Ryan Moore

Liam Catterson is reacting to "The Good Place." (Clears throat): "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


Loved the reaction! A small tip: This is unlike any show you have ever seen. Every episode ends in a sort of cliffhanger, and there are tons of twists and turns. Don’t google anything and don’t tell friends you’re watching it. I would hate for the fun and amazingness of this show to be spoiled for you. Enjoy!


I echo the squeee and concur try not to google anything!!!

Ray D

This isn’t a Netflix original show. It aired on network tv, NBC in the US.

Ryan Moore

I know, right? My first thought when I saw that credit was, "What nerve!"

Katherine Thoreson

Wooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I'm so ready! :D

Alvin Cura

I am very thankful for you to react to this one.

Alvin Cura

You were going to watch it in your spare time? You have spare time? (Seriously, very thankful for you to watch this one. Looking forward to your thoughts)


Oh I trust my friends (my D&D friends, they know I'm reacting to it and are pretty much stoked) but I would never Google up anything in the midst of watching :)

Kayleigh McRae

Can't wait for you to get to know Eleanor more as well as Chidi. This show does a fantastic job with it's characters.