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Buffy 5X09.mp4

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1.37am.. go on then 🤣


Oh you think Ben and Glory might be connected somehow 🤔 interesting 🤔🤔

Free Your Geek

I’m quite enjoying your thoughts and reactions on what is the emotional roller coaster so far this season... Both beautiful moments, like the end of the Tara-centric episode or Spike comforting Buffy in Fool For Love and heartbreaking moments, like Buffy breaking down when washing dishes. The writing on this show (and Angel too) is top notch!

Raven Dark

Liam, you sweet cinnamon roll. Love this reaction so much. *sniffles*

Roger Lackman

This is a little spoilery. You might want to consider editing or removing it. (It's not over the top spoilery, but it's definitely borderline in my opinion.)

Nicole Iannone

I don't think the demon in this ep is ever elaborated on, but my headcanon for why it was able to crawl around the hospital unnoticed was that it had some sort of power that rendered it visible only to "crazy" people until it started feeding/ secreted that slime, at which point anybody could see it. I also wouldnt be surprised if Ben did something to ensure that he was watching the cameras(?) over that section of the hospital, in which case he could just ignore it. No proof for any of that to my knowledge, just my theory.


This never occurred to me until watching your reaction, but the Queller demon/plot is pretty similar to Der Kinderstad from Killed By Death. Something about horrifically disgusting monsters in hospital settings is just really effective, I think both eps are quite underrated. But DK did have a "cloaking mechanism" like you described, I wish they had added that to the Queller lore as well. Buffy having to fight something she can't see that's attacking her mom? That would have fit in perfectly thematically, I can't believe they didn't do that. Almost makes me think that got cut for time. It also would have made Dawn ramming the demon with a coat rack even cooler.


Also, some of the language they've used this season for the mentally ill is kinda harsh, but I really like the way Buffy explained it to Dawn. She's covering for Dawn being the key, but what she says still rings very true and is pretty empathetic.

Thom Purdy

Buffy grabbed the knife instead of the rolling pin because the space lamb had DR/5 bludgeoning. ;-)


I love all these episodes with joice because they portrayed how people act with a bran tumer very well and all this hits home with me brain tumers and cancer in general I think they did an amazing job with it the pain and grief you feel when you or someone you love is seriously sick its heart breaking weather its curable or terminal you still end up going through a form of grief it's a horrible feeling to go through fantastic writing and acting


I think I'll have to skip Buffy for a little while. I forgot that that what they give Joyce is a brain tumor and how wrong they get it. On the last episode they said it was a "low level Glioma", which I guess they push it up to the high lvl effects to give drama here in this episode but like I just can't watch it since it doesn't seem accurate at all. I'll skip to season seven and just watch Angel, I'm sorry.


No it's not accurate at all. My dad died from a glioma brain tumor in 2007, my mom died in 2009 from throat cancer. I now have a lower lvl brain tumor so this is not the way cancer is at all. The acting may be good but they have upped the symptoms dramatically so instead of being a lower lvl she is already stage 4. Even if what they call it is technically stage 2 name. Also coming from a biopsy she shouldn't be this active or understandable for at least a week, or have that much hair.


I get what your saying my auntie and my uncle both had a brain tumour but by the time they found it it was to late because it had spread to far the same thing happend with my nanas colon cancer when I was 17 but my nanas being found late was due to the doctor because I kept taking her in over her being sick because I was living with her at the time so I looked after her both my grandads and my other nana also died of cancer so I understand what u mean but what I ment with what I said was about the grief and anguish people go though with cancer or looking after some one with cancer

Jarrod Wild

Low grade glioma causes the symptoms Joyce is experiencing. Doesn't have to be high grade. Low grade is generally fatal (in 5-7 years when it advances to high grade), and if caught early then every effort should be made to remove the tumor. I think you're overreacting a little.


Of course they are all fatal but the low grade ones don’t have those side effects yet unless they are being pushed on something in your brain. Mine can not be be removed bc of the very way it grows. It’s like roots. It goes everywhere. It’s not like a ball in one area. And sure assume I’m over reacting when I have this mess and my dad died of it too which is in a higher comment.


Do we suspect there may be some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?