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Angel 1X20.mp4

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I love this episode and your reaction and I love Gunn aswell hes such an amazing character

Free Your Geek

I met J. August Richards (Deathlok/Gunn) years ago at a comic book convention and he was so humble and appreciative towards his fans! It was so fun to watch you make the connection!

Katherine Thoreson

I met him too! His handler, I guess she was trying to hype him up, and she was going around asking people there to see him if they knew he was also in AoS, and at that time they were just in season 2. My friend and I were all....heck yes we do! :D He is a total sweetie!

Free Your Geek

I mentioned some storylines he’s been in throughout his acting career and how I loved how he played one particular character I enjoyed. He was so amazing to talk to and sincerely thanked me for my words. Great guy!


The guy who plays Gunn is a few years younger than the guy who plays Deathlok... but there is definitely a resemblance there. I'm a week too late to make this joke, aren't I?