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Buffy 4X22.mp4

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Chess Red Eagle

Commenting before I watch but in case you ask, it's not believed that the cheese man means anything lol Or if it does, it's never been discovered. Pretty sure Joss and co. threw that in there to screw with us.

Katherine Thoreson

That is correct. He said he wanted to throw one completely meaningless aspect into the dreams, as that is often how dreams are. :D


Can’t wait to see Liams reaction to this one 😂

Christine Jury

I'm so happy you enjoyed this episode so much!! It's obviously bizarre and deeply foreshadowing the 1st watch through, but I'm glad you still found the delight in it. After you finish the show and rewatch this episode, it's even more fun.

Liz Siron

I’m glad you liked this episode. I know the first time I saw it way back when I was SO confused. Granted I was also like 14/15 years old so... I really like episodes that explore the characters psyche like this and this is an excellent example of that. Then of course you also get Cheese Guy. Great stuff honestly. I would agree that this is a great episode to rewatch after you finish the series to see what new things you understand or notice. I’ve personally rewatched it at least a dozen times and always find something new or see something in a different way.

Raven Dark

LOL Love this reaction. If you want to understand it, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pvu4ZIokVk It does actually make sense. He does a fantastic analysis of it. Only, my recommendation is that you watch this version now, and then watch the spoiler version after you finish the series. DON'T watch the spoiler one now, or it will ruin things for you.

Katherine Thoreson

Be careful what you might read or watch about this episode. This is a very metaphor and foreshadowing heavy episode which upon first watch you don't necessarily pick up on, but if you start researching it you might come across spoilers. Just beware.

Raven Dark

Ok, now that I finished the whole review, I'm glad you loved it, and you've picked up on a lot of the symbolism and meaning in it that I and most people miss. And things that the analysis in the link I gave you above explains. But there are a lot of meanings in it that go deeper, and he goes into those, so you might still want to watch it, even though you picked up on some of it. Until I watched that analysis, I always thought the episode was pointless and too confusing. Now, I love it. But then again, I was so utterly lost that I used to skip it, so I was one of those people that obviously needed the added explanations. This is a fantastic reaction, and I'm so happy you were into this one.

Free Your Geek

In addition to being an epilogue of the previous episode, I think this is the other side of The Yoko Factor where Spike turned them all against each other. My take: Willow’s play could be her new identity or coming out, but as mentioned in the episode, “her family is in the front row and really mad.” Willow thinks that others see it as a phase. Xander mentions always making moves and going forward, but always ends up back in the basement. Giles still feels like he’s useless. Notice Willow and Xander’s demeanor when he’s singing. Buffy feels like she’s always alone. She’s been ignoring Joyce, which Faith mentioned a few episodes back. Plus Joyce just recently met Riley. Buffy realizes towards the end that unlike the first Slayer, she’s not alone. There’s a lot more, but it gets spoiler-ish. Anyway, that’s my take. Can’t wait for season 5!

Ryan Moore

I just have to say this regarding Willow's dream: I would pay good money to see that entire play.


Ah, this is one of my favorite episodes of *anything*. The kind of visual poetry that Whedon pulled off here... a lot of people are way into the foreshadowing (will not say, obviously, what the foreshadowing is), but what I loved about "Restless" was the deep dive into the character portraits.


The video does avoid the foreshadowing conversation, but, fair warning, does have images from upcoming seasons, albeit without any context for them (except for one episode title).

Raven Dark

Yes, that's true. And I did notice by the end of the reaction, that unlike the majority of people I've encountered, and unlike myself, Liam wasn't so confused that he was put off or focusing on the wrong thing. Most people are, and that's why the video. He seems willing to wait and accept the whole wtf level here, which may mean he doesn't need to watch it. Especially when, like PTN, he may feel that revealing the seemingly unsolvable mystery ruins it for him. That said, if he doesn't feel like it ruins it for him, he should, at the very least, watch either that one or the spoilery one when he's done the series because it's just really cool to see the added layers.


Oh, I agree. PTN is great, and I hope a lot of the Buffy reactors can get a look at it when the series is done. I just know that some reactors are VERY particular about not seeing images. (Me, not so much. I tend to think of things like that as "teasers" more than "spoilers.")

Raven Dark

Oh! Do you have Buffy reactions too, FernWithy? I'm addicted to them right now and eat them all up when I can get them.


I won't speak to any potential foreshadowing (except to say I love that you cottoned on to the fact that there was some - some reactors didn't. Lol) so as not to spoil anything, but I *loved* your interpretive perspective of this episode and had to comment w my own take on a few things: First, I adored that you seemed to notice how wrapped up in identity this episode - and whole season - was. Willow's unconscious imposter-syndrome, Xander's halting search for adulthood, how much of Giles' selfhood he relates to Buffy, and being her parental figure. Regarding that last, I always find it interesting that, despite the exasperation he shows during the "carnival" scene, the scene before it seems so filled with this quiet joy Buffy brings him - her smile, and the way the direction focuses on it during the hypnosis training (or whatever that's supposed to symbolize), how intensesly bright and personal it feels. As for Xander's dream, I always feel like when Buffy calls him "big brother" is when Xander finally understands that that's what his role is in her life, and lets go of any of rhe romantic aspirations he's been holding onto. I think Xander is a character who (particularly given the strongly implied physical and emotional abuse he's been subjected to) thrives on intimacy with his loved ones, and that's the moment he really accepts that what he shares/has shared with her may be a different sort, but is real, and intimate nonetheless. (And I could write a whooooole meta piece thing tying that realization into the growing pains out of his youth, but I'll forbear. Lol.) I also find it really cool that Buffy's the only woman that he knows who isn't sexualized at all in his dream. You've got Willow, Tara, and Joyce, pretty obviously, and Anya more subtly - acting as his partner in a more realistic way - but Buffy is just...Buffy, to him. He worries about her in this, and I think that's lovely. I don't have much to say about Willow and Buffy's dreams, I feel like you covered them pretty well, but I will add that I always love how it feels to me like, in Buffy's dream, her instincts are at constant war with her nature. The "I'm never going to use those" about the Manus card Tara tries to give her, and then how she automatically, confusedly muddies up her face when she finds the bag; the "we're not doing this" (fighting) to The First Slayer, and then immediately, you know, fighting with her when she's attacked. Lol. How, despite what she says, it takes her a moment each time to detach herself from that before higher logic prevails. It's a fascinating way to explore the dichotomy that exists in her. Finally, not for nothing, I was giddy that you were so delighted by The Cheese Guy. I was *obsessed* with him the summer after this first aired (jfc, 20 years ago?!?!) and ended up writing like four fanfictions about him - that he was real for everyone, and existed in the ether of dreams to relay important messages, etc. Lolol. So it was a lot of fun to see you so tickled by him. I generally loathe dreams in movies/television shows, but a one-shot dream episode fits the Buffy narrative so well, and, further, Joss actually made it dreamlike, which I never stop finding impressive. Loved, *loved* your reaction to it. Very much looking forward to season 5! 😊

Rachael (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-16 18:56:53 Definitely one of my very favorite Buffy episodes. I find Buffy and Willow's dreams to be the most interesting, although I always appreciate seeing characters through different perspectives in their dreams (obvi not liking Xander's mistreatment of all the women in his life to outright sexualizing Willow & Tara — yes, I know, teenage male sexuality, I just find it both uninteresting and offensive).
2020-05-19 08:38:04 Definitely one of my very favorite Buffy episodes. I find Buffy and Willow's dreams to be the most interesting, although I always appreciate seeing characters through different perspectives in their dreams (obvi not liking Xander's mistreatment of all the women in his life to outright sexualizing Willow & Tara — yes, I know, teenage male sexuality, I just find it both uninteresting and offensive).

Definitely one of my very favorite Buffy episodes. I find Buffy and Willow's dreams to be the most interesting, although I always appreciate seeing characters through different perspectives in their dreams (obvi not liking Xander's mistreatment of all the women in his life to outright sexualizing Willow & Tara — yes, I know, teenage male sexuality, I just find it both uninteresting and offensive).

Phoenix Dawn

You now have seen my most favourite Buffy episode. It is a gift that will keep on giving! It is basically like the mirror from Lord of the Rings.


I can see why this would be a favourite. Honestly, it's up there in terms of best episodes and I am pretty sure I've been told Season 4 contained another episode on the levels of quality to Hush :)


I will stack up on cheese next time I watch this. We have Drunk Rewatches but what about CHEESE REWATCHES XD


I don't really research on shows I'm currently watching just in case an episode I watch will tease something very vital for the future. I usually leave any looksies when I'm caught up :)


The music in this episode is absolutely glorious, it might be my favorite soundtrack in the entire series. And as you know, it has a LOT of competition (Hush for example).

Angela Colon

This episode is absolutely amazing. I'm glad you picked up on the foreshadowing. I had to explain it to my brother who has currently watching the show. In general, this episode is perfect for a re-watch. I would definitely watch it again when you finish the show.

Phoenix Dawn

I mis-stated, it is my favourite TV show episode for any show ever! (but I get it is not that popular, but for me who loves surreal shit, this was everything and that music!)


I'm not really a big fan of Xander's obsession. It's always been a jarring thing. As you said, it's a teen thing, sure but still


Oh I love that too. I always love developing on a character's identity. This episode had a wonderful blend for speculate, embrace the weird and the delve into the characters. The script even went weird at some parts but worked extremely well!


I didn't appreciate this episode as much as I did when the series finished. There is so much packed in, and so many theories. Don't want to spoil anything, but I think I know what the cheese means, but can't say due to spoilers. When Liam finishes the series, I'll revisit and ask what people think :)


There was a lot of foreshadowing but tbh there has been a lot of foreshadowing throughout the whole season 4 im not going into the foreshadowing because spoiler alert but everyone who has seen all of buffy will know what I mean but u analyzed the episode extremely well I just cant wait for season 5 😁

Tammy L. Faulkner

LOL! I just couldn't look at your face after you saw the cheese guy for the first time without cracking up.

Raven Dark

I could have sworn I left a comment on this when I first watched it, but it's not here. Maybe I did it on this episode from another reactor. There's so much I want to say, but I can't due to spoilers. I'll have to save those, but there are a few things I can point out that won't spoil. Now that you've seen the start of S5: "Little sis is coming." "Miles to go. Little Miss Muffet counting down from 7.30." - Faith, S3, Graduation Day. "Curds in way... You don't belong here." Random Guy, S5, The Real Me, "Faith and I just made that bed." "For who?" "That clock is wrong." *Clock reads 7:30" "Faith and I just made that bed." "For who?" "Be back before Dawn." Also, at the end, do you notice the room Buffy walks into at the end? It's Dawn's room. :D You are right, you need to rewatch this, but specifically when you finish the series. You could also do a drunk rewatch. That would be hilarious. You should also check out Passion of the Nerd's review of it on Youtube. He has two versions, one that has spoilers, and one that does not. Don't watch the spoiler one until you finish Buffy. Watch the shorter, non-spoilery one when you're able. You could do a reaction to it here. He explains a lot of things that are hard to pick up on even when you've seen all of the series. There is something he didn't mention, though. Or I don't think he did. "You're neither. You're a whipping boy, raised by mongrels, and set on a sacrificial stone." - Snider. Xander was possessed by a hyena, which are seen in history as mongrels. And I think the other part of it about being a set on a sacrificial stone is an indicator of how Xander feels subconsciously, or how he thinks others see him. He thinks others see him as nothing more than a device, not really one of them. There are other things Passion of the Nerd didn't even mention, but they are spoilers, so I will comment on them after you watch the episodes they pertain to. Oh, and a funny thing about the Cheese Man. Joss has stated that he doesn't mean anything. Dreams often have things in them that make no sense, and the Cheese Man is meant to represent that--a whimsical thing that makes no sense. However, there are a lot of people, me included, who believe that all things in dreams make sense, and furthermore, that nothing we do is truly random. I personally think he was throwback to that whole thing earlier in the season when Willow is trying to help Riley gain points with Buffy. She says, "She likes cheese." I think that was a part of Buffy's brain, or Willow's, seeping into everyone else's heads. I think Joss included him for that reason on a subconsious level, without him even being aware of it. Yeah, I'm probably looking for connections where there are none, but I love thinking about these sorts of things. Such a great reaction. I love how insanely insightful you are.


The hair joke didn't age so well and I can't stand when lesbians are over sexualized...but enjoyed the episode for the most part.