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Angel 1X15.mp4

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Oh wow.. I didn’t know that you didn’t know his name was Liam but your reaction was hilarious 😂🥰 No I don’t think it’s been mentioned before but I’m surprised no one told you xx Thank you xx

Nick Velasquez

I’m glad no one spoiled that for you. Someone told Liam Duke during season 1 of Buffy. Also not too long ago, when he went live and was painting models, I asked him who his favorite Liam was. Angel, Himself or you. He said you. Literally like a minute after that you tuned in and I was worried someone in the comments would say something.

Ryan Moore

Flashback to "Sense and Sensitivity": "My parents were great. Tasted a lot like chicken."

Free Your Geek

As we’ve seen so far, there doesn’t seem too many quality father figures in the Buffy-verse, Giles notwithstanding.

liamcatterson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-16 19:02:31 Nope. It's strange, this episode shows both fathers did care about their children, they had a difficult time expressing it and so a rift formed. Sad really </3
2020-04-17 18:13:53 Nope. It's strange, this episode shows both fathers did care about their children, they had a difficult time expressing it and so a rift formed. Sad really </3

Nope. It's strange, this episode shows both fathers did care about their children, they had a difficult time expressing it and so a rift formed. Sad really </3


Ahhh that sucks for Dukey. And awwwwh, I am going to hug him. Liam is awesome. Thankfully nobody has said anything and so far, I really haven't been spoilt on anything so far so it's all been good :D


You’ll need to start asking people on you tube not to put any spoilers in the comments once you get closer to season 5!! ASR literally got hundreds which her mods had to hide! Season 5 is the worst for it so I would advise a couple of mods for your comments xx


I'm so happy that you didn't know about Angel's name. After L. Duke found out early, I honestly just assumed you knew. God, I would have felt awful if I had accidentally spoiled you because I thought you knew already.

Katherine Thoreson

I was today old when I realized that bar maid in the flashback talking to Darla is frikkin Christina Hendricks. =O I feel incompetent lol, but hey....shiny!