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Angel 1x12.mp4

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Have to respectfully disagree with your view on Cordy's lack of remorse for the "children." Comparing the scene to abortion seems a little off-base. I'm not sure how deciding to terminate a pregnancy can be similar to the death of a demon resulting in the termination of multiple demon spawn who were implanted against a woman's will, fully developed within 24 hours, and brainwashing the mother, (who would also die if the spawn were actually born.) I doubt any woman would feel any regret, connection, or empathy in that situation. They would be feeling sheer relief and possibly euphoria at escaping such a terrible fate.

Macca Fan

Totally!! It is more like having a tumor removed. No remorse , only relief.

Ryan Moore

The set-up definitely exceeds the payoff in this one, but even in the weakest episodes of the Buffyverse, there are such treasures to be found (Cordy's heartbreaking morning-after helplessness, her closing speech, the sheer eeriness of the early pregnancy scenes).

Melissa Murphy

Definitely not one of my fav episodes I agree. Angel Season 1 just like Buffy Season 1 IMO has some rough episodes and forgettable ones but like Buffy Season 1 I still enjoy it and it has a lot of good episodes and moments also. And like you said, even in episodes like this that are not so good there are still moments and scenes to enjoy and character development to appreciate. One of the reasons I enjoy the Buffyverse shows so much!


Many fans feel this is a weaker episode... but this is the Buffyverse... I love these characters so much that I could enjoy an episode where they all sit at a table and quietly eat some bland soup.