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Buffy 4x10.mp4

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Free Your Geek

This is a top 5 episode for me! The “stake motion” and their reactions always gets me! I know you switched and released Angel 1x09 before Buffy 4x09. Did you happen to watch it in that order? I only ask because there are a few more crossover arcs this season and didn’t want the plot spoiled for you.

Christine Jury

Watching this with you was a joy, thank you <3 I agree, the Gentlemen are the most disturbing monsters in the show to me, everything about them is just haunting. 😨


I watched 4x09 then 1x09. I realised the mistake when I relooked at the official guide like today I watched Buffy 4x11 over Angel 1x10 since that is the order.


This is definitely one of my favorite episodes of Buffy. I can’t think of any show that could make you so engrossed in an episode where no one is speaking. Thanks for the reaction! The scene where Xander is beating up Spike because he thinks he killed Anya is hilarious. I also love the other scene where Anya is just eating popcorn, while Giles is explaining The Gentlemen, because this is all just entertainment for her.


Your reaction was awesome. This episode is one of the best television episodes ever made. Period. I am glad you recognize!

Melissa Murphy

You are definitely not alone, this episode is on most peoples top 5 if not top 10 best episodes of Buffy-and for good reason.

Katherine Thoreson

Joss created this episode because he got tired of hearing that the reason his show was so good was because of the witty writing. And ironically, I believe this was the only episode ever nominated for an Emmy for writing. The effect of the Gentlemen floating was done practically with cranes and wires which were digitally removed later. Loved the reaction. This episode is definitely a fan favorite for sure.


He also did it as a challenge to himself because he thought he was falling into a predictable pattern (with directing also). Earning an Emmy nomination for Best Writing proves that dialogue is just one aspect of screenwriting.


Definitely a top 10 episode for most fans of the show. Joss went above and beyond. He isn't someone who rests on his laurels. He always wants to try new things and challenge himself, push boundaries. Whether its with the dialogue, or themes, the music scores, the characters, the plot... I just love how he isn't afraid to be out of the box and push limits. This is a fantastic piece of television. I'm excited for you to see other 'outside the box episodes' that come later in the series :D (I have 3 more specifically in my mind)


I am glad that I have good taste along with everyone else xD Honestly, it's difficult to pull something ambitious like this off and they did an extraordinary job.

David Boyd

One of my fave eps of the show. It's pretty universally liked and winds up on a lot of top Buffy episode lists. Out of the 44 minute episode, only 17 minutes contain audible dialogue.


Still my favorite of the series. I've seen it too many times to count. It's still as amazing as the first time! Glad you loved it too!