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Angel 1x09.mp4

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Melissa Murphy

Definitely a one-two gut punch. I know you were so emotional after the last episode, knowing this was the next one, I already felt for you before you even started watching. Hang in there :)


i dont have time to watch your discussion at the end right now, will have to in the AM, but i just wanted to leave a quick comment. this episode breaks my heart every time. i love doyle so much. theres something very poignant about that very end scene there with the video cordelia took of him. just the “is that it? am i done?” destroys me. sadly his actor, glenn quinn, was struggling with a substance addiction that tragically ended his life in 2002. apparently he was just not in great shape mentally and struggled to even remember his lines on set so they decided to write doyle out. very sad stuff. i wish doyle could have been around longer and glenn quinn was only 32 when he died )-:

Claire Eyles

Short doco on the life of the late Glenn Quinn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elUkgKOOyDw

Phoenix Dawn

So sorry Liam! :( Virtual hugs!


this episode still breaks my heart. I loved Doyle so, so much. Still do. The twisting of his recording the advert is brutal. Doyle was a true hero, and in the past few episodes has been able to redeem himself of all the things he regrets - coming to terms with his Bracken side, resolving things for the better with his ex wife, telling Cordy he is part demon and her wanting to go on a date with him, and finally, making up for not helping the demons those years ago and sacrificing himself for the greater good... Doyle will be deeply missed.

Katherine Thoreson

My sister and I watched Buffy and Angel when they aired. They never showed the episode titles though. I didn't learn those until years later when I started collecting the DVD sets. Anyway, she and I would record the eps on VHS to watch later if we wanted to, and without knowing the proper titles, we had to come up with our own for the tape label. This episode was, The One Where Doyle "Dies", with dies in quotation marks because we refused to believe it had really happened.


Would you like to share some of the other titles that you made up? Cuz that might be fun.


I procrastinated until today to watch this one. I really wish we could warn you about some of these heartache episodes... but, of course, that undermines the purpose of a reaction video. I'd like to be able to tell Buffyverse newbies that you will never see two heartbreaking episodes in a row, but obviously that would be a lie. It will feel better when it stops hurting.

Sarah McKinlay

One of the most heartbreaking moments in the buffyverse😭It shows how great a character Doyle was that his death affects so many people after only being in the show for 9 episodes.

Tammy L. Faulkner

"Is that it? Am I done?" That line always gets to me... no matter how many times I watch it.