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Buffy 3x20 Extended Reaction.mp4


Ryan Moore

I know this is weird coming from a complete stranger, but I hope you consider it wholesome that I wanted to hug you during this reaction.

Angela Colon

I'm glad you loved it. One of my favorite Buffy moments. I think the episode balances sadness and inspiration and humor really well.


No problemo at all :D That is nowhere close to weird and I've seen them all. Hug accepted!


I am a complete mess every time I watch this episode. It's a rollercoaster of emotions, but when Jonathon lower the mic and asks if Buffy Summers is there, I'm just a wreck. And when it aired, I didn't understand why outcast Jonathon was reading that beautiful letter because "Earshot" had not aired in the U.S. Buffy set aside her heartbreak to give everyone their perfect prom, and she ends up getting her perfect moment, being loved and honored for who she is: a lovely person and a hero.


One of my personal favorite episodes and I'm glad you loved it :-D Trivia: 1.) In the scene where Angel breaks up with Buffy, Sarah Michelle Gellar has admitted that she "could not stop crying," and the set was closed for 25 minutes to allow her to recover. 2.) Buffy's prom dress was designed by Pamela Dennis, while Vera Wang designed her wedding dress. Incidentally, Wang also designed Gellar's wedding dress in 2002. 3.) This exchange was cut due to length: Giles: "Fine. You're all suffering from a touch of spring madness, if you ask me." Oz: "Mine is more space madness. But I'll feel better once I get used to the weightlessness." Willow: "Promise me you'll never be linear." Oz: "On my trout."

Talon Karrde

That is my opinion as well, The average season 3 episode is better than the average season 2 in my opinion... But I think the highs in season 2 and just angelus and spike and all make it my favorite season of the show so far


Short story: So I've been thinking about adding another Buffy reactor to the roster of reactors that I am supporting. I figured Liam C. would be the one I would most likely choose. I was halfway through The Prom, and I suddenly thought, "Nope, I don't like these gaps. I want to watch the whole thing."


So now I'm supporting Shan, Van, Amber, Liam #1 and Liam #2. Could someone please explain to me why 40% of my favourite reactors are named Liam? Does that sound like a reasonable situation?