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Buffy 2x20 Extended Reaction.mp4



You made one of my bottom episodes better with your reaction :-D CAPTAIN COLD IS A FIISH!! LOL, I hope you enjoy your time off. For this episode there is unfortunately barely any trivia: 1.) Marti Noxon has said in several interviews that this episode was written to show how athletes who use steroids ruin their bodies. 2.) The episode was originally intended to be placed before Angel loses his soul. Accordingly, Angel is barely in it.


I would still be posting Extended Reactions just they’ll come in slower numbers 😁


Wow Marti Noxon, David Fury, Rob DesHotel, and Dean Batali all wrote on this? I don't despise this episode but how did it turn out like this?


Honestly hate this episode lol. If they’d done it in an earlier episode it would have been fine to me. But after episodes like passion, and i only have eyes for you, this just feels so out of place with the finales up next lol. Stupid creature of the black lagoon bs lol. All i wanted was plotty drama of the season arc instead of this lol! Wah!! Okay, hates probably a strong word... but still! Lol


Ahhh...Early Flash reactions (shudder) haha. Good thing is, Rooster Teeth are even combining Season 1 and I assume the rest they'll do the same for.


No, I get you. The quality makes this the odd one out and we were on such a run. It's still pretty okay but the rest of the episodes in the past and of course, the final two are on another level, so this is the sore thumb sadly


Thats exactly it. It just has that “sore thumb” sticking out in a weird place vibe!

Raven Dark

Yeah, but do they really stick out? Sore thumbs? I mean, have you ever seen a sore thumb and gone, wow, that baby is sore? :D