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Buffy 2x19 Extended Reaction.mp4


Carrie Els

James loves Grace and kills her without meaning to and feels overwhelming guilt. Buffy loves Angel and kills home without meaning to (by sleeping together) and feels overwhelming guilt. Buffy doesn’t believe that James deserves forgiveness which is really her believing that she doesn’t deserve forgiveness. Both James and Buffy need forgiveness in order to find peace and move on.


I think you are the only reactor to came close to gueassing a union between Buffy and Spike, BRAVOOO😊 I really love the paralels in this episode, and your thoughts about it 🙂 Trivia time: 1.) The show has dealt with many disturbing subjects, but this is the first one that has prompted a public-service announcement. Following the end of the final act, Sarah Michelle Gellar did a voice-over on the dangers of teenage suicide. 2.) The scenes where Cordelia deformed in front of the mirror and Willow is attacked by hands going out of a whirlpool are tributes to the horror movie Poltergeist, directed by Tobe Hooper in 1982. 3.) Deleted scene: Cordelia: "Okay. So what's up with Buffy?" Xander: "How many times do we have to go over this? Nothing's up with Buffy. We're just good friends..." Cordelia: "No, I mean, what's up with Buffy? Like, is she okay?" Xander: "Sorry. I'm not used to you addressing subjects not directly related to ... you. She's fine. I guess. Why?" Cordelia: "She only blew off Ben Straley - the most eligible hunk in town. He's totally rad and his father owns a department store. I mean, he's the guy I'd be going out with if I wasn't so obviously brain damaged. No offense." Xander: "Oh no. Why would I be offended?" Cordelia: "Anyway. Ben told Lynette, who told Charity, that Buffy wouldn't even give him the time of day." Xander: "Good for her. She's providing much needed life experience for the rejection-deprived." Cordelia: "The guilt thing's just getting a little old, you know. Everybody's told her what happened to Angel isn't her fault." Xander: "Yeah. Everybody except the one guy she needs to hear it from."


That is heartbreaking, the one guy she needs to hear it from. And that was pretty deep learning what SMG did at the end of the episode. Yeah, I had that vibe of "enemy of my enemy" once Spike got up from his wheelchair. And I had a feeling, Spike could end if he were strong enough rather than pretending to be disabled at that moment. So what's holding him back? He hasn't got Buffy. And yes, I did scream "I KNEW IT" in Becoming Pt.2 :P

Katherine Thoreson

You are correct about using local artists at The Bronze. They thought it added to the authenticity of a local club. You'll notice that with only a few exceptions, there aren't many popular/well known songs of the day used in the show. On a personal note, this is definitely a top 5 episode of the series for me. It might be my #1, which I know it isn't for many, but I originally watched this show when it aired and I was 15 when this particular episode aired. A combination of being in the same age/mindset of a teenage girl the same as Buffy, and that twist at the end where the roles reversed...back then, that was a highly unexpected turn and this episode always stuck with me as an emotional masterpiece. Also, fun fact, this is the episode that Joss Whedon realized David Boreanaz was capable of carrying his own show. :)