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Apologies for the choppy audio at times, not sure what was up between HOTD and this!




In an episode where the current case about betrayal, we see Reese couldn't betray Kara. And Fusco protected Reese over HR. I liked Finch wondering if they accomplished anything considering how many people ended up dead, it's good the show doesn't hesitate to make our heros getting fooled. Finch being worried when he tracked Reese to the hospital was sweet. I feel terrible for Fusco. He's choosing the same side as Carter and she's getting suspicious about him, even after he came through for her last episode. Great reaction. Can't wait for you to see the final 3.


We're going to Ordos. But no one's getting a t-shirt. Once again, it's the flashbacks that really matter more than the person of the week. Love these beats with John & Kara. Their mission, the betrayals. The show is always so darn good at paralleling the past with the present. I like that one of the main themes seems to be... in the end, we're all alone. John says this to Jessica. In her flashback in Get Carter, Joss yells at the military team that got rid of her prisoner / informant... they tell Carter - it's a long war, you're alone. Last week, Elias also told Carter that she was alone. But she's not. She doesn't know the extent, but she's got Fusco. She's got Reese. Reese has Finch, etc... With the right people around you, you're not alone.