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  • I do have my Rewatch I posted about planned for this week, I'm not sure when, it will just be some point this week. Could be tomorrow, could be Friday

  • The Boys is back! Now, they are doing 3 episodes to start off with, I will not be reacting to 3 episodes on the Friday they drop so thankfully, with House of the Dragons S2 starting next week, I'll be able to squeeze 4x02 for Sunday.

    Since I am finishing Supernatural S8 this week, I might bench that for next week only for I can squeeze in the extra episode, and thus I am not behind



Professor Kube

Only one TVD episode 😭😭😭 My weekly double dose of tvd will have to wait another week. 😂😂😂


TVD will be on one episode a week until mid-July (when the Boys finishes). It's due to that show and House of the Dragon coming back on Monday is why I'm temporarily putting it at one episode

Ed Green

Your plan for Supernatural this week is a reasonable sacrifice.