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Ed Green

Crowley gave them just long enough to feel helpless to save Sarah. I love the ingenuity of his plan and the writing of that scene. Monologuing is normally a weakness in a villain; he thought of a way to make it his strength, and it just made him even more of an effective and sinister villain. Fittingly for an episode that brings back the idea of the 'wen-dee-go', or as Charmed called it 'wen-dih-go', Supernatural puts its own spin on the pronunciation of what the Lucifer TV show called 'NEPH-ilim'.

Amye Sabin

I don't know if you caught on but Abaddon didn't possess Josie during that failed trial in the video. Abaddon explained that the Priest told her about Josie and the Men of Letters and THEN she found her and possessed her. Why Sam & Dean left Abaddon alone is poor writing. They never would've done that. Sarah was in Ep 20 of S1. Crowley's such a luscious villain this season. But (not a spoiler since I know you've seen it) going after Jody maks ME want to lock him away and he's my favorite. He should NEVER die. We love Crowley and Mark S.