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The first time I watched this episode Katherine definitely had me fooled. Love how she even manages to fool Jeremy at first. While I never shipped Klaus and Caroline, I like that she challenges him and brings out some small bits of humanity of him. That’s also what makes Klaus so lovable to a lot of fans. Despite being a villain, you can see glimmers of him being a better person (not necessarily good because he’s still him at the end of the day…also where would the fun in that be lol)

Andrea Dcosta

The last scene of Jeremy getting his neck snapped seemed too real it kinda scares me. Next Ep is soo good one of the best of this season and an excellent excellent performance awaits you! Damon's dialogues with Galeyn is so fun to watch loved it.


It's the dawning shot that makes me worried the most. Like the writers are saying "This isn't like Damon being done with Alaric"