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For those of you not in the $5+ slots, reading the sneak peeks and listening to me puzzle out why my workstyle has abruptly changed, here's the meters for March so you can see how 2017's projects are progressing! (Here's last month's progress bars).

To summarize: Dreamhearth gained 7%, Coracle (the new MG/YA novel) 8%, and PG5 went up 23%. Some things are gaining slower than others, but everything's getting attention and progressing so steadily that everything might wrap up at the same time. Summer might see us launch two entirely new novels while running a Kickstarter for a new series! Won't that be fun. :)

Anyway. Onward! Maybe this month Coracle will rush into the lead! I honestly don't know what's going to happen. How weird is that. o_o

(This is not an April Fool's post, either. I don't do those! I am stupidly earnest and always believe people, so I don't perceive, grok, or appreciate pranking unless it's so super-obvious even a toddler would get it.)



Kate Barton

I'm a Kickstarter addict so I'll see you when that gets going :) - Andrew