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Enough of you have asked me if there’s some way you can help that I thought I should write a quick note about it, so… here it is! First of all: if you have bought my books, my artwork, picked up something from Etsy or Zazzle, or (most particularly) are a subscriber on Patreon or Locals, you are already helping! In particular, the patron platforms give my family income we can count on monthly. For now, that and my royalties are the only incoming checks, so… thank you!

For those of you who wanted to give me a quick boost now, though, here are a few things that would help:

If you would like to contribute to our foodstuffs, then gift certifications to nuts.com, Publix, CostCo, and Starbucks (where I sometimes park to work during the school year) are helpful. We also have a Whole Foods near us (which is cheaper for some things?? How does that work). My email address for receiving those is haikujaguar at gmail. Daughter also sometimes has study groups at Starbucks, so the coffee card does double duty.

If you would like to contribute to the jaguar mental health, then subscriptions to Kindle Unlimited, game time gift cards (for World of Warcraft, or for apps through iTunes), or random things from my Amazon wishlist are appreciated. My Blizzard battletag is micahjaguar#1324, and other things can be emailed to haikujaguar at gmail. I think I have a wishlist through the battletag as well, but I can’t remember… I might have set it up so my relatives could get me birthday presents XD

No guarantee I won’t use the iTunes gift cards to buy stuff for my kid, though. She’s experimenting with 3D rendering/animation.😀

Amazon wishlist is mostly books and paper! But all things are appreciated, and there are some coffee pods on it for our machine that would get used daily with great appreciation…! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/R74R1TPS59YS?ref_=wl_share

Other really good jaguar mental health gift is (of course) to recommend my books/art to someone, or review them, or mention them on social media.

I would like to reiterate that by subscribing to my platforms and buying/hyping my books and art you are already #1 contributors to my income, and I appreciate all that you’re doing (and yes, brief bump-ups in your monthly subscription are extremely helpful, even if they're only for a month). Please don't feel obligated to do anything more than you're already doing, though! This post is for the people who wanted to give me a little extra help while I’m doing my job hunt. Hopefully I’ll land that second job soon and the uncertain/worrisome times will pass. But thank you, very much, for asking if there’s more you can do.💕


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