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Still going through old files, found this poem from at least twenty years ago? Something like. 


Ocean's daughter, born in fever-red --

The forever-magic glows brilliant in your veins.

Conceived for heaven's singing, you were bred

motherless, to the hungry ice, chilblains

upon your hands, and head.

Broken questions did you ask the sky,

which, hungry, replied not but to devour.

Traversed the vert and golden swards; you fly,

returning to the stalwart seas that scour

the staggered cliffs, and sigh.

And sit there, upon the cliff a wind-torn, muddy brown;

with fire-hair drifting over shoulders bleak.

Oh, you were meant to sing, but not to make a sound!

Full lips and eyes, tide too high to speak,

and lowered lashes: stormy frown.

Ocean's daughter, born in fever-red --

The forever-magic sups on darkness in your gaze.

Would that your magic had not tapered, bled,

and vanished into the midnight morning's haze --

and the gulls had left, unfed.


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